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Dear readers,

I'm sorry I haven't updated amdjdnwowpdkmd, screaming, crying. BUT TY FOR THE READSSSS

Also GIVE ME REQUESTS DJWKDMDK 😒 hand em over jk jk you don't have to.

Ok so I don't have a chapter...but I do have my history notes so

History notes:
- Roman civilization florist from 700 B.C.E. to476 CE
- Romans have a missed about founding nursery
- Tale of Romulus and Remus
- over the years historians tried to discover the truth about the founding of Rome
- First to live in area were Latins
- Latin try the Built Village that became Rome
- Roman group = Roman culture influenced
- The Romans borrowed many ideas from Greeks
- Greeks were main influence for Roman culture
- Romans were great builders
- Techniques and engineering
- Cuniculus They invented pillars that supported half circle wedged shaped stones
- used to build Arches for a huge public works
- Adapted bloody sporting events
- One was slave fighting
- Chariot races drivers were stabbed to their chariots of a cherry overturn the driver could be dragged Under
- The sport became popular in Rome thousands of died fighting as gladiators
Influence of art and architecture:
- romans used Greek designs to their own public buildings
- Greek influence and Roman culture was indirect
- Greek alphabet had more direct influence on Roman culture
- many Roman writers were inspired by Greek poetry
- Greek poetry was value throughout the Mediterranean
- Greek influence on Roman painting and sculpture was so great
- Wealthy Romans would often collect Greek
- They build monuments in a Greek style
- Roman artists also created lively and realistic styles of their own

Greek influence on religion (brief):
- religion of Romans was blend of many influences
- Romans had their own guards and rituals
- Romans adapted many of the Greek gods as their own
- Romans were much less interested in telling stories about gods then were the Greeks

Yw 🥱 if any of you are studying Ancient Greece


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