Apparently I like to Argue

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I hate this place to the core its a prison and once again i have zoned out. 30 points to hufflepuff. I hear Granada shouting my name. "What do you want cant you see im busy with my katana?" i say with an innocent smile until she replies, "Didnt your father teach you manners?" that was it you can insult me all you want but talk about my family or the people i care about then you have made a mistake so without a second thought i sped over and swiftly placed my katana at Granadas neck before being pulled back by missy. "Chris you're embarrassing yourself infront of your crush." she whispers into my ear as i blush a deep red and turn round with a hand awkwardly on the back of my head. "Uhhhhh sorry?" obviously i would never apologise to Granada after all she did kinda Kidnap me. So anyway i go back to my seat and see my sister sit next to me offering a slight smile. "What do you want?" i reply kinda harshly but right now i cant care less. "You really like Acapella dont you?" she replies and giggles when she notices my cheeks flare up slightly "Chris you do know she keeps glancing over at you?" this comment makes me smile and want to listen more but i look up to see Missy gone and Acapella sat where my sister was. Well this is gunna be fun. I mentally cursed at my sister as i see the annoying weirdly tall figure of Granada leave the room or as i like to call it the prison made to confine us all in the one space till the end of time. Well maybe im getting slightly off topic...Ok very off topic. I look over my shoulder to see a red faced Acaella sitting next to me and its not long before i manage to feel my own face starting to heat up so i do the thing everyone in my situation would do and fly away and hide. WELL DONE CHRIS YOU IDIOT.

We Can Be Heroes I I Acapella x OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن