Part 1- Time to move on

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Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, everyone knew their dramatic love story. There had never been any other man out there that had loved her as much as Lindsey and never did she feel such a high when being with anyone else; he was offically the only man that she could ever find love/hate to be so pleasureable. When he got Kristen pregnant during, The Dance, Stevie knew that this was it; she could not be a homewrecker and take a man away from his child. As much as it hurt she had let him go, they stopped their affairs of sneaking in and out of each other's rooms at night; oh how she missed it. Never had there ever been another man that could take his place, she was engraved in his soul and even if Lindsey denied it she secretly knew that she was engraved in his. Sex meant absolutely nothing if it wasn't with him and so Stevie took on the role of abstinence but she was so sure that by now her and Lindsey would be back together, she wanted to be in a relationship again by the time she was 70.
Stevie was approaching her 67th birthday and she couldn't believe it. Everything that she had been through in her life from despair, heartache, loss, and love came flooding back in to her mind. All her life all she had wanted was to be a Rock star, singing in front of a live audience and reaching out to the people with her lyrics; never did she once think she would regret EVER pushing Lindsey away.
As she stared at herself in the mirror she examined her face, could she still find love? Was there anyone out there that could overlook her age and fall for her? At 66, Stevie knew, just knew that the only way that she could find a man in her life would be for her money. Granted, she wasn't unattractive but when she removed her makeup and her clothing you could tell that she definitely was an aging woman. What man would take her over a younger woman? She thought of how Lindsey was married to someone that could very well be his own child. Jealousy grew, jealousy for his wife that had her youth; most of all his last name. Sitting on the edge of her bed she sighed, she had to give up; Lindsey was never going to be her's again. It was time to accept the invitation from a handsome British music producer.


"Dammit! Karen, help me! I can't find one thing to wear!" Stevie swore as she viciously searched through her closet to find an outfit for her birthday party. She had five hours until everyone would start to arrive at her event and even with the hundreds of outfits bursting from her cloest, she couldn't find one thing that satisfied her.

"Oh for crying out loud, Stevie!" Karen snapped as she began picking up the mess Stevie made, "Why don't you just wear that pretty corset and a long skirt, put an evening jacket over it and you have something other than leggings and a blouse!"

Stevie stopped and froze, "Karen, you're a genius!" she grabbed her hands, "That'll be perfect!"

Frantic, Stevie grabbed the outfit and began trying it on. She looked in front of the mirror and repeatedly checked herself out, "Do I look fat? Old?"

"No. And no." Karen crossed her arms, "If you put your hair up in a twist that might give you a new look."

Eventually Stevie got herself ready, she for the first time in a long time had another man other than Lindsey to dress herself up for.


Guests started pouring in by the bundle. Karen as usual put together Stevie's birthday event at a rented mansion in the Hollywood hills. All of Stevie's close friends and family were invited. Music of the old and new echoed through out the space and food of all kinds were displayed from caterers. Everything was perfect.Lindsey was one of the last guests to arrive, he had promised his family that he wasn't going to be gone long because they were all supposed to have a family day before he went out on the road again. Buckingham Nicks was finally being released with it's remaster and both of them realized that at this time in their life, getting along so well and wanting to bring back these songs, they had to do the tour before it was too late.
He held a dozen red roses in his hands as he searched around the floor for any sign of Stevie then he heard it, her laugh, that throaty laugh that brought a smile to his face. When she was happy, he was happy.
As he saw her conversing with guests, he couldn't help but stare; never has he seen her with her hair up in years. The last time he saw that image was on stage during their, Say you will, tour. She was absolutely breathtaking.
Just as he was about to walk up to her, a man brushed passed him and handed Stevie a glass of wine; she kissed him lovingly and Lindsey cocked his head. Who was this man? Whoever he was he was getting the attention of every woman in the room. He almost had this Richard Gere look to him, older, in shape and extremely handsome.
Finally Lindsey interuppted them.

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