Part 6 - Now you've done it

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Popping a bottle of champagne, Gary helped Stevie in to the hot tub inside their suite, handing her the glass and taking a sip. She smiled sweetly even though she had what happened earlier still on her mind.

"What happened out there tonight, Stevie?" Gary asked concerned.

She grumbled, "It's nothing, really. Just something that often happens between Lindsey and I..."

"He's not still jealous, is he? We had a long talk before you went onstage and I honestly thought that was going to cure all of his anger," he informed.

Shaking her head she placed the glass on the side of the tub, "It's not easy, the things that have happened between Lindsey and I are to the extreme. So heavy," sometimes Stevie made no sense with her nostalgic words.

"I'm just saying that I don't know what else I can tell him besides that I am going to take care of you the best that I know how," Gary smiled.

"I know, he told me that he talked to you and I was greatful... It was my fault that everything went down the way it did tonight. I won't lie to you," she confessed.

"Your fault? What did you say?" his look more concerned than before.

"Just let it go, honey, and trust me on all of this," Stevie begged.

Sighing, he took another sip of his champagne and they shared an awkward evening.


Walking the streets, Lindsey enjoyed being alone to gather his thoughts. Things were happening so fast and each day Stevie got closer to being married to Gary. Lindsey was thinking of ways that could post pone it but he was remembering how he spoke to Gary earlier that evening about not interfering with their engagement anymore; he was so stupid to have let his guard down like that but it seemed to have brought her interest back on him. The fact that she was no longer angry with him was a step in a good direction, maybe he could get Stevie to fall so deeply in love with him again that she would cancel the wedding completely? He knew that he was being selfish but what did he have to offer her? Gary could offer her everything that he never could. He could offer her stability, marriage, love; nothing that Lindsey could offer being a married man.
Making his way in to a local tavern, he sat and contemplated; realizing that he wasn't even sure where he was anymore. He got so engrossed in his drinking that all he could remember was that he went for a walk but how far did he walk?
Lindsey has never been one to break down and ask for directions, he always wanted to be the macho man that could do everything on his own but he wasn't sure how he was going to get himself out of this one; which direction did he even enter from the street?
Mumbling, he leaned up against a lightpole and slowly slid down to the sidewalk, pulling out his phone and blinking excessively; maybe he should call for help? The only number that he could think of calling was Stevie. He let his finger slide across her number and then he tried to keep his balance as he tried to stand again. When she didn't answer he grew frustrated, she always answered that damn emergency phone of her's; why was she not answering it now? He only could think of how Gary was distracting her and he started swearing. A police man on a horse approached him and started to ask questions, now Lindsey really was embarassed.

"Look, I'm sorry officer, I have had a really rough night. I'm just a little lost," his words were slurred.

The officer jumped down from his horse and asked for Lindsey's I.D., "Well I'll be," the officer stated, "Mr. Lindsey Buckingham, what an honor," he handed him his I.D. back and shook his hand.

"Yeah, that's me...I went for a walk and now I see I may have walked a bit from my hotel," Lindsey hoped this officer would be nice enough to call someone to come get him.

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