Part 7 - This is not happening

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Gary tossed and turned, it was way passed the time Stevie assumed she'd be back in their suite. What was taking her so long to get him to bed?

Not wanting to wait any longer and ignoring the fact that she'd come back to their room when ready, he pulled on a pair of pants and a shirt; he had to find out what was going on in Lindsey's hotel room.

Quitely walking up to the door, Gary knocked, nothing. Knocking again, nothing. Okay one more time and I'm pounding on this door.

Stevie woke from her slumber, Lindsey's arms wrapped around her naked body as they lay under the covers; she must have fallen asleep. Oh, no.

"Who is it?" Stevie asked nonchalantly.

"Love, it's me, Gary," he replied.

"I'll be right there," she shot straight up in bed and started grabbing her clothes that were spread across the room. Quickly fixing her appearance in the mirror and running to open the door.

"What's going on?" Gary asked as he stormed through the door, seeing a sleeping Lindsey, "What has been taking you so long?"

Stevie was shaking, she forgot to hide Lindsey's clothes, they were everywhere, "He had a rough time falling asleep, honey," her arms wrapped around his mid section.

"I was so worried," he pulled back from her, "I waited and waited, thought something had happened."

Tugging at his hand she tried pulling him out the door, "Gary, I think it's time that we left; Lindsey is perfectly fine now."

Looking towards Lindsey then back at Stevie, he knew there was something that she wasn't telling him, "Are you telling me the truth?"

"What makes you think I'm not?" she questioned him nervously.

"The fact that his clothing is all over the floor and your blouse is on backwards?" Gary raised an eyebrow.

There was an awkward silence as Stevie sunk down in a near by chair, not sure what to say, playing with the cresent moon around her neck.

"I threw up," suddenly Lindsey broke the silence and sat up in bed, "I got sick all over and Stevie got in the way, it's not what you think, Gary."

Stevie's eyes filled with tears, was he actually backing her up? "He's right, I had to clean up the entire bathroom for him and I was so tired that I must have put my top on wrong."

Sighing, Gary grabbed Stevie by the wrist, "Come on, lets get back to our room."

"Ow," Stevie exclaimed as Gary pulled her a tad harsher than expected.

"Hey," Lindsey stood up with the covers around his waist, "Take it easy," he gritted his teeth, "She's not a doll for Christ sake!"

"Look Mr. Buckingham, I think I've had enough of you telling me what I should and should not do with my fiance'; this is between her and I," Gary spattered.

Walking to Stevie, Lindsey rubbed her shoulder, he could tell she was in pain from Gary tugging hard on her, "Are you okay, angel?"

"I'm fine," she answered as a few tears fell from her eyes, "I-I have to go now," Stevie rushed out the door and down the hall.

"I swear to GOD if you touch her like that again, I'll tie you from the ceiling from your balls then cut them off!" Lindsey got up in Gary's face.

"Back off, pretty boy!" Gary shoved Lindsey.

Before either of them could take a chance to breathe they were fist fighting, punching and shoving each other across the room.

It caused a huge commotion on the floor from lamps breaking to glasses being flung in to the walls, it was a serious act of disturbing the peace.

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