Part 3 - It never ends

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Lindsey was excited, finally he was going to see Stevie with out Gary; that name was enough to make him puke. He wanted to apologize for his actions the other night and even though he was so proud of himself for knowing he still had a hold on her, he wanted to make things right; it's no fun being on stage with someone that resents you.
As Kristen pulled him up to their private plane, they went through their ritual of saying goodbye; she helped him with his bags and held each other for a moment. What pulled him finally away was seeing Stevie's car pull up, she hated seeing him with Kristen even if she pretended she loved her; he knew it was all for show and so he was going to do his best not to upset her even more than she probably already was.
Once Kristen left, Lindsey rushed inside the plane, wanting to make sure both of them would be sitting side by side. His heart was beating fast and his hands even started to sweat, it was making him so nervous.
Stevie finally entered the plane but trailing behind was no other than...Gary? Oh, no, why was Gary here?! Lindsey prayed that he was just helping her inside with her dog but once he sat down he knew that plans had changed.

"Wait, what is going on here? Gary, I thought you weren't going to make the first few shows?" Lindsey asked, disappointed.

"Hi, Lindsey. It looks like I'll be making all of them now, Stevie begged me to cancel on finalizing that house so I could spend the whole time with her; isn't that wonderful?" Gary beamed.

"Wonderful, just wonderful," Lindsey answered slowly.

Stevie ignored Lindsey, she didn't want to but knew that it was the only way she'd be able to get through this flight; already she felt like crying. Why couldn't they just be together? Why did it have to always be this hard? Why couldn't he just divorce his wife so they could live happily? Stevie couldn't believe what she was thinking, she was being selfish again but dammit, she has waited all her life for him.
As the plane lifted off the ground Stevie knew that her and Lindsey were going to have a rough month.

All Lindsey could do was stare, stare at Stevie as she wrote in her journal a few rows up from him; his heart ached and it hurt him that she couldn't even say hello. Was this all from last night or was this from something else? Why did she have to pretend that he wasn't there?

"Stevie," Lindsey finally spoke up and she froze.

"Yes..." she answered but still not facing him.

"Could you please come here for a second so I can go over something for tonight?" he pleaded.

"Sure..." Stevie said nervously as she stood up and began walking back towards Lindsey, sitting down next to him.

"Hey," Lindsey greeted her by taking one of her hands in his.

"Hi," she greeted him back and let him take her hand.

His voice lowered, "Please forgive me for last night, I am apologizing from the bottom of my heart; I was wrong to kiss you."

Wrong? Wrong? Oh, it was not wrong, Stevie thought to herself and then looked at him, "You may be sorry but you know what you've done."

"What have I done?" he questioned.

"You made me want you again," she answered softly.

"I did?" he smiled and then his smile faded when she threw him a nasty glare, "Oh, I did."

"Yes and don't think I'm going to fall for it. Just because my whole body has been on fire since you kissed me, don't think that i'll fall for this again," she said through her teeth, "You won your game but we're done, we are nothing more than friends and that's why I begged Gary to cancel finalizing our house. If he wasn't here I'd probably have you in the bathroom right now."

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