Part 13 - Celebration

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Just a warning, this will get a tad pornographic.

The tour for the re release of Buckingham Nicks began again and fans all over the country rejoiced in the now "official" engagement of the hottest Rock n Roll couple in history. Tickets began selling out in a matter of minutes and the album skyrocketed on the charts, new fans were embracing what came before them, and Stevie and Lindsey had never been happier.

Every night when they closed their show, Stevie would go on a rampage with their love story. Talk about how Lindsey was her "Knight in shining armor" that completely took her by surprise. She also made sure to dedicate, Landslide, at every show to her ex fiance' that wasn't taking the news so well. Stevie told Gary that he would always have a special place in her heart and that he came in to her life as a gift to keep her level headed and teach her things about herself that she had been denying. Of course she didn't say that she learned that Lindsey was her one and only from him but that he crossed her path for a positive reason and his path ended.

Lindsey and his children were seeing each other every time he returned back home in L.A.. They'd either spend weekends with him at Stevie's condo or Lindsey would take them out and treat them to dinner, movies, or shopping; for the girls mostly. Even things with Kristen patched up quite well because she realized that she was holding on to something that just couldn't be and as strange as she didn't want to admit, she was happier with out him; not having to worry about who he was sleeping with and if he loved her.

"Stevie! Stevie!" Lindsey yelled as he came rushing through their hotel suite's door, holding a piece of paper that he was flying around frantically.

"What? Lindsey, what?" Stevie asked concerned as a toothbrush hung from her mouth.

"It's final! Baby, it's final! I'm offically, legally, no longer a married man!" he jumped up and down like a child in front of her.

The toothbrush dropped from Stevie's mouth and she embraced Lindsey in a long excited hug, "Are you serious?!"

"Yes! Read!" Lindsey handed her the letter.

"Dear, Mr. Buckingham, by the State and Court of Los Angeles, California, we legally pronouce the divorce of Kristen Messner and Lindsey Buckingham..." Stevie read aloud, "Ahhh...Oh my God, baby!" she threw the letter in the air and he picked her up in his arms, swinging her around in circles until they landed on the bed.

Lindsey laid a long loving kiss on her lips as he held her head in his hands, "I'm so in love with you," his hands ran through her hair.

"And I'm SO in love with you, too, baby," she ran her hand across his face and he nuzzled his face in her neck.

"Take me out, Lindsey. We have to celebrate this. Oh, please, take me out," Stevie begged.

"Ms. Nicks? Ms. Stephanie Lynn Nicks wants to go out of her hotel and see the world?" Lindsey teased her and began tickling her torso.

Laughing that throaty laugh she's known for, Stevie pushed him playfully, "Yes! Yes I want to get out of this room and celebrate my first night as officially yours again."

"Stevie," Lindsey said seriously, "I've always been yours," his finger trailed over her bottom lip, "And you've always been mine."

Being the emotional person Stevie portrays, she pulled him in for a kiss and started crying.

"Oh, angel, I thought that'd make you smile," he caressed the side of her face.

"That's why I'm crying. I'm happy," Stevie sobbed.

Chuckling, Lindsey pulled her up from where they were laying and rocked her, "Where to my Queen? I will take you anywhere you want - you just name it, baby."

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