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TW: Touching a bit on sensitive subjects (anorexia, bullying)

Yeji P.O.V

"Morning Miss Yeji, breakfast has been served" Tiffany opened the door to my room and I groaned.

"I'm not hungry" I annoyingly said. I knew Shin was still in the house because she was laughing extremely loud over something downstairs. I don't wanna see her fucking face.

"B-but Miss Yeji, Miss Shin specifically requested for me to feed you well. And you also need to take your pills"

"I'll have breakfast when Miss Shin leaves" I rolled my eyes and went back to playing on my phone while still laying down on my bed.

"Miss Yeji, there's a schedule I need to follow and if you don't go and have breakfast now, Miss Shin will get mad at me..."

I rolled my eyes and sighed, getting off my bed and heading to the door. Tiffany smiled at me and walked down the stairs. I followed and found Shin on the phone with someone. She kept smiling and laughing, then she saw me and pointed at the table. I looked down and saw the stupid pills I gotta take. I rolled my eyes and walked to them, swallowing them and then headed to the kitchen.

"Alright baby cousin, I have to go now. Work starts in an hour and you know the traffic is terrible at this time of day in Gangnam, I love you, bye"

Ryujin hung up with a smile and walked towards the kitchen.

"So Yeji, since you have to stay here until you're all recovered, I wanted to phone your boss telling them that you were going to be absent for two weeks, but your records say that you don't have a job?"

I rolled my eyes and began to eat the bacon and eggs that had been prepared for me. By the looks of it, I was going to have the longest two weeks of my life. Tiffany came behind me and placed a plate with toast beside my orange juice. I wan't much of a juice person, I liked my coffee better, but I had to deal with whatever was given to me.

"Yeji? I need an answer"

"I...lost my job.."

"Ahh, I see, ok well, when you feel better you can come work at my office if you want to"

Ryujin gave me a smile and seeing it made me want to slap her again so bad. Did she forget what she did to me all these years? Did she forget last night's argument? 

"I'll think about it" I said in a serious tone, looking down at my empty plate. It was the first time in a long time that I had eaten a healthy breakfast and eaten it completely. My anorexia had started around the first year I met Ryujin. It stopped for a bit until my parents found out I was bisexual. Since then, they tried to make me feel bad for everything and make it sound like everything I did was wrong because I was wrong and didn't follow the 'ordinary family' style. So my old habit returned and I stopped eating again. But they found out and made me eat before I had to go to the hospital again.


I walked down the hall and grabbed the things from my locker quickly. Ever since she came into this school, she's been the second most popular, after me of course. I never liked to brag about it though. Staying humble was my motto. Instead, she was the complete opposite. She loved having a fanbase, getting all the attention in a room, but most of all, she loved making people feel worse about themselves. Specifically me. She knew she should give me respect since I'm student council President and a grade above her, but she never cared.

As I closed my locker door, she appeared out of nowhere.

"Well if it isn't my favourite fatty, Hwang Lucy"

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