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Lia P.O.V

I woke up to the rays of light going through the open window. I don't usually like leaving it open since I get cold easily, but last night was pretty heated. Not due to the weather because it was raining, but it was all due to the girl who was laying down beside me this instant.

The light caused her blonde hair to sparkle, making her look like an exact replica of an angel. Her soft creamy skin shone bright underneath the sun. Her eyes were closed and she was softly breathing. Her chest was doing a small up and down motion after every intake of air she had. Her pink lips were parted slightly, leading my eyes to her rosy cheeks. Her neck had a number of kiss marks and a few hickeys, making me smile. A few tingles went down my body while I looked at the beauty that was set in front of me. She shifted in bed a little and a pout formed on her lips, furrowing her eyebrows and turning her body completely to face me. 

Little hairs found their way to her forehead and her right eye. I slowly lifted my hand and my cold fingers touched her warm skin, removing the hairstrands from her face. While I tucked them behind her ear, I could feel my cheeks heat up faster than ever when her doe-like eyes fluttered open and made full contact with my own. She flashed her pearly whites at me and tangled one of her legs with mine under the white sheets. I pulled her in and embraced her, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. Her not-so-completely-naked body touched my own and in almost an instant we were both in complete warmth. 

She hid her face in the crook of my neck, breathing softly and placing her hands around my waist. My spine felt shivers and I could feel the little hairs behind my neck rise as she began to kiss my neck softly. Slowly, I could feel her lips move towards my jawline and end up on my own. We kissed for a good ten seconds before she broke it up and laid back on the bed. She closed her eyes again and faced the ceiling. My face had turned pink and I was smiling like an idiot. This girl drove me crazy and I was completely head over heels for her. After six months of courting her and then finally accepting to be my girlfriend, I couldn't believe what we had done last night. I was so giddy and excited that my entire body was feeling all kinds of things. Any touch, any kiss, any look, any stare and any word were enough to plaster my sloth smile on my face. She made me happy, and I made her happy. We were a perfect fit. I couldn't wait to tell Yeji.

"You look so cute smiling like that"

I faced her and she had her palm on her cheek while helping prop herself on the bed with her elbow. She began playing with my light brown hair, stopping her hand on my cheek and caressing my skin. Her thumb brushed my lips, then ended up on my chin, lifting it slowly, only for her to kiss me once again. I raised a hand and placed it on the back of her head, deepening the kiss. She parted her lips as soon as my tongue slightly touched them. While slowly going inside, her tongue came out as well and they were clashing together. My body began to have a mind of its own and I got up, placing each of my thighs on the sides of her waist. My hands intertwined with hers and I ended up pinning her onto the bed. We were getting short of breath, but still continued to kiss. Her hips moved up a little and her neck tilted, a small moan escaping her luscious lips. I broke the kiss and smiled.

"The things that you do to me....why are you making me so crazy for you?"

"Because I'm irresistible" She smirked at me and then giggled when she felt my hands on her stomach, tickling her. I was straddling her though, so all she could do was try and fight with her arms while laughing.

"S-Stop! Please! I'm hungry~!"

I stopped and smiled, staring at the beauty of her face. She smiled back and took me by surprise when she suddenly pinned me down onto the bed. Now I was the one being attacked with tickles, and I shook my head in deep laughter. She rubbed her nose against my neck and that caused me to shriek, since my most ticklish spot was behind my ear.

Love Me Back - Ryejiحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن