The Start is Innocent Enough

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Pacifica looked around the shack and frowned. There was no sign of him, and it was already eleven o'clock. Thanks to the night before, they woke up super late.

"Grunkle Stan, have you seen Gideon?" Dipper said and sat at the table, next to Mabel and across from Pacifica. He didn't look too happy, with his elbows on the table and his chin resting on his hand.

"The kid woke up an hour ago," Mr. Pines said as he heated something up in the microwave.  The drone of the microwave filled the kitchen otherwise quiet kitchen.

"Makes sense," Dipper muttered as Stan set a plate of extra fluffy Stan Cakes in front of Pacifica. She grinned at him as he went back to the microwave, suddenly humming a happy song.

"What's wrong, bro?" Mabel asked.

"Of course he wanted to ditch us; he wanted to avoid explaining what happened last night." Dipper rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure there's a better reason," Pacifca said, her voice getting edgy.

"Wait, what happened last night?" Mabel piped in.

Dipper opened his mouth to say something, but Pacifica interrupted him.

"Something did." She glanced at Stan while the old man set another plate of Stan Cakes on the table in front of Mabel and Dipper. He was mildly curious; Pacifica could see it in his eyes. Forcing a giggle, she gushed, "He wanted me to read Wolfman Bare Chest, you know where Gerard's alpha male, Bil-"

"Yeesh, I didn't know the kid was into that kind of junk," Mr. Pines grumbled and rolled his eyes.

Dipper coughed awkwardly. "And actually, Pacifica, I'd rather not be reminded about that stuff." He shuddered a little. "Ugh."

"I agree with Dipper," Mr. Pines grunted as he got up. "And I have tourists coming in half an hour."

Pacifica smiled at him as she watched him go. Revelation averted.

"Stan doesn't know, doesn't he?" Dipper questioned, narrowing his eyes. Pacifica snapped to attention and sat on her hands.

"What's with all the secrets, Pacifica?" Mabel asked innocently.

“Um…” Pacifca mumbled.

"Yeah," Dipper said before taking another bite. "D-"

"Nope nope nope, swallow first! Don't talk with your mouth full." Pacifica wagged her finger at Dipper and stuck her tongue out. "We're not animals, man."

The twins looked at her weirdly, but Pacifca shrugged it off. Manners were manners; that's what her parents taught her, among many other things.

Dipper swallowed. "...Right. Now, anyways, what's with the secrets?"

"Well…” Pacifica paused. “I just don't want Stan to freak." She shrugged, hoping that they would believe the partial truth.

"Our Stan doesn't even believe us." Mabel giggled. "He's always telling Dipper how he's such a HUGE NERD-!"

"Mabel!" Dipper elbowed his sister.

Pacifica laughed, even when Dipper glared at her. "That's crazy, though! How can't he see it all? Is he blind or something-" She stopped when she heard footsteps.

Mr. Pines entered the room, scratching himself while grumbling, "Now where are the glue guns…"

"Oh, that reminds me!" Mabel grinned in anticipation. "Do you guys have a super duper cutie pig named Waddles?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2015 ⏰

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