Enter the Mind of Gideon

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In a blink of an eye, he was surrounded, the cliff behind him and everyone else on the other three sides. A huge crack rumbled through the ground in front of him, but to which doom should he jump to? Before he was able to make his choice, a piercing yell interrupted his thoughts.

"GIDEON!" Mabel screamed through his dream, shattering the illusion. Gideon's eyes flew open and his forehead was dotted with cold sweat. His eyes darted to Mabel, who was shaking him gently and saying something about pancakes, Grunkle Stan, and taste.

"Yay, you're finally awake!" Mabel said and stopped shaking him. Gideon sighed and felt his forehead as fragments of the nightmare slipped out of his mind. Something about the Journal and running away in a shadowy place...

He finally got his bearings together. "Mabel," he said and glared at her, "you didn't have to scream."

She frowned. "What? No I didn't. Besides, it's almost noon and you still haven't woken up yet. Also, you should get some of the awesome pancakes before Dipper eats 'em all, Mr. Grumpy Face! Now turn that frown upside down!" She tugged on his arm, but Gideon didn't budge.

After a few moments, he sighed and let himself get pulled up only to a sitting position. "Dipper's already awake?" He and Dipper were up all night talking about their own dimension, comparing Journals, and sharing adventures.

Mabel stopped pulling on his arm for just a moment. "Yeah, and you still need to show us 'round town. I can't wait to see what Candy and Grenda are like!" she squealed and continued to tug on Gideon's arm until he finally let himself get pulled up. She skipped out of the room and closed the door behind her.

Gideon changed out of his pajamas and put on a different outfit from yesterday: dark grey and baby blue hoodie, white shirt, and grey shorts. He slipped the Journal in one of the sweater's secret pockets, next to the picture of him and Pacifica. I wonder how she'll will react when she meets them, especially Mabel. He could imagine a whole lot of girly squealing and nights sleeping outside. With a sigh, he put on his hat and watch on the way out.

Did they really just appear out of no where because of some mirror they found? he pondered while walking down the stairs. What if their alibi isn't true?  If it is then does that mean the mirror could-

"Dude, are you gonna move?" He looked up and saw some guy of undeterminable age staring at him. The guy was holding a lightbulb.

"Who are you?" Gideon asked and frowned; he'd never seen this man (child?) before, but he looked remarkably like Duece.

"Soos. Your Grunkle just hired me as a handyman, dude," the man replied and twirled a wrench around his finger.

"But we already have a handyman."

"I dunno, dude. Mr. Pines hired me anyways."

"Oh." Gideon let him pass and walked into the kitchen. There was a plate with just two pancakes. After he was finished eating them, he walked into the living room. The twins were watching television. "Hey, do you two have a Soos in your dimension, too?"

Mabel nodded. "Can we go now?" she asked eagerly.

Gideon suppressed an impatient sigh. "If Gravity Falls is almost the same as Reverse Falls, why do you need me to show you two around?" The truth was that he would rather go straight to Pacifica's house. But a deal's a deal, and he knew deals could become serious to certain...


Gideon blinked and snapped out of his thoughts, suddenly remembering that Mabel was talking.

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