Back At the Shack

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But which one?

Mysterious Mr. Pines was searching the bookcase next to the Employees Only door. He grabbed random novels and stacked them on an empty shelf, but the wall had nothing for him. He began putting the books back, looking inside just in case he could find it. Red book, blue book, one book, two books, but no The Book.

AHAHAHAHA! the obnoxious memory taunted in his head again. You have no idea what's coming, do you? Do you!?! GLASSES, I'M TALKING TO YOU; DON'T YOU DARE SHU-!

The monstrosity's voice was muffled when Stan was distracted by the sound of something falling. He watched papers spill out of a pink binder in a huge mess. Silently, he quickly squatted and began piling the drawings, notes, and polaroids together. Unfortunately for him, he wasn't fast enough; Soos, who was standing across the room, walked over with a broom in hand.

"Need help, Mr. Pines?" Soos asked and crouched before the mess. He began organizing, mentally taking note of what he saw. Yellowing newspaper clippings, notes scrawled onto old lined paper, and polaroids of random squiggles and people didn't recognize--each one was snatched up by Mr. Pines before Soos could look closer. The image of a young man in his 20's with a big round nose and straw hat stared back at Soos until Mr. Pines grabbed that one, too.

It was the only thing that didn't appear too ominous. For some reason, it even felt familiar to him.

Soos looked up. Mr. Pines was stuffing the papers inside the binder. On the inside front cover, a lavender sticker was taped. An adorable grey kitten stared back at Soos, and written around were the words 'You're the best Gru-'

Mr. Pines suddenly closed the binder, face solemn and eyes clutched shut. A second later, he was up and searching the bookcase again, as if nothing happened.

"I didn't know you had all that cool stuff, Mr. Pines," Soos said and got up. Mr. Pine's hand froze, hovering over a burgundy dictionary.

"It's a friend's," he replied gruffly and spun around. A finger was pointed accusingly at Soos. "Tell no one, you got that?"

Soos stood stick straight. "Aye aye, Mr. Pines!" He stared at the wall ahead and saluted.

Mr. Pines merely grunted in response. He pushed the Employees Only door, grumbling.

Suddenly, the gift shack for burst open. Two giggling girls stumbled through and quickly shut it close with their butts.

"Sup, dudes. Whatcha' doin'?" Soos asked cheerfully. He put the broom away and walked over to Mabel and Pacifica, as if nothing happened just a mere seconds ago. Both girls clutched a tattered maroon book to their chests while laughing. Pacifica looked up to him.

"Oh." She frowned in confusion before a grin quickly swept over her face. She elbowed Mabel playfully. "Mabel and I're just playing a little game with Dip' 'n' Gids'! WE STOLE THEIR JOURNALS!"

"MABEL!" Dipper yelled behind the door. "MABEL, OPEN THE DOOR!"

"PACIFICAAA!" Gideon shouted, sounding a little whiny. Fists pounded on the door. "STOPP!"

She ignored them and high-fived Mabel instead.

"Uh, shouldn't you girl dudes give it back to them...?" Soos asked nervously. "'Cause, like, don't they need it for their mystery stuff?"

"SOOS! OPEN THE DOOR, SOOS!" Dipper and Gideon begged at the same time. Fists rained down on the door again. Soos glanced nervously at Mabel and Pacifica, who were taunting at the trapped boys.

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