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Mabel gasped and opened her eyes. She was staring up at the wooden ceiling beams and something was digging into her upper back.

"Ow ow ow..." she said while sitting up and picking out splinters from her hand. She looked around the room,  her and Dipper' s room, and realized that she was where her bed should be. Mabel stuck out her tongue and raspberried at all the newly discovered wooden planks. I guess that means another sleepover with Dippy!

"Mabel, is that you?" someone's muffled voice moaned. It sounded a lot like Dipper. Mabel walked over to bis bed and poked whatever was under the blankets.

"Poke. Hey Dipper, what'd Grunkle Stan do to my bed?" She pulled away the covers, and Dipper stared back at her. His arm was clutched over his stomach, his face was a little green, and his hat was really messed up. It looked like a cat scratched up the little pine tree. "Hey, bro, you okay? Were you sleeping outside again?" she asked skeptically.

Dipper moaned again. "I'm gonna puke..." Mabel looked away until she was sure he was done. He lay back, his face more relaxed. Suddenly he brightened. "Hey, Mabel, you're ok!"

"Um, why wouldn't I be? I mean, like, we don't really share drinks that often. Poke."

Dipper blinked and frowned. "Uh... Mm-mm-mm. And I don't know what happened to your bed. Maybe Stan used it for some kind of cheap attraction? Last time I saw him he was grumpier than usual, so I'm guessing he was guilty or something." After he got up, he stared at the bed for a few second  with a frown, but he shrugged and looked back at her. "C'mon, let's go get breakfast." He turned around, but Mabel placed a hand on his shoulder to stop him.

"Something else wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong," Dipper replied, but Mabel could tell from the look in his eyes there was.

She grinned. "C'mon, tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Tell-"

"I told you, nothing's wrong," he said defensively and shrugged her hand off. A pang of confusion and hurt pricked her, but she followed him anyways. Since when does he keep secrets from her?"I wonder if he made Stan Cakes again."

"Hope not," Mabel said as Dipper opened the door. Behind it was a surprisingly familiar face. "GIDEON!"

"What do you want?" Dipper said and looked like he was ready to punch.

Gideon frowned. "Uh, who-"

Mabel held her arms up. "ROUNDHOUSE KICK!!!"

"What-WOAH!" Gideon ducked and fell, either from the kick or as a dodge, and Mabel high-fived her twin.

"Woah, Mabel, where did you learn to do that?" Dipper asked while she watched Gideon scoot away.

"I've been looking into ways to protect my self from Gideon," she bragged.

Gideon finally got up and was slowly stepping away. "WHO THE HECK ARE YOU TWO?!?" Suddenly he froze and his eyes widened. "Oh no, you can't be..."


"I-I'm innocent-it wasn't me who wrote it! I just-" He took a step back and reached into his vest. A book fell to the floor with a loud thud.

"Gideon, is everything all right up there?" Grunkle Stan said from down below. Grunkle Stan? Grunkle Stan?!? Mabel finally had a good look at Gideon' s clothes: blue vest, baby blue hat, orange shirt... Her head spun. The missing bed, Gideon, Grunkle Stan...

"Is that... Journal Number Three?" Dipper said, and Mabel looked at the maroon book. It was Journal Three!

"What, wait, how, who... What?" Mabel stammered.

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