The Reaping

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Mary Jane Stark lived a pretty privileged life for district 12. Tony Stark, the Mayor of district 12, being her father. They lived in the Capital's gifted Mayors Mansion across from the Justice Building.

Tony Starks mistress, Mary's mother, has died in child birth. So it was just the two of them in that large lonely mansion. Food was never scarce unlike the rest of 12. Especially the Seam. Mary did like to buy fresh strawberries from Liam Hawthorne. He'd go into the woods everyday, despite the ban placed on those woods.

The people of district 12 had very mixed feelings when it came to Mary Jane. Some saw her as a saint. She'd buy peoples scraps to purposely give them extra money, trying to support her district as best as she could. She would offer to tutor students for free for the school, though most declined her offer. She was a well educated 17 year old.

However there were some who saw her as scum, even though she was district born. They all know the story, a woman from the Seam slept with the mayor. She got a roasted chicken out of the sex to feed her husband and kids. When she got pregnant with his daughter, the mayor begged her to give him little Mary Jane. Not that she had much choice, later dying from child birth.

Some people saw it as unfair that a daughter of a Seam woman could live the most lavish life a district 12 person could live. Mary in her clean pretty dresses. Nicely combed red hair. Shoes with souls still in them. Most of the Seam hated her for this, not that she could control this aspect of her life.

Though most of the Seam hated her, there was one boy who couldn't help adore her. Peter Parker, poorest of the poor Seam kid. Father died in a mining accident and Mother not mentally there anymore following fathers death. Pretty much leaving poor Peter to fend for himself.

Peter found himself falling head over heals for the Mayor's daughter way back before their names were even in the reaping. 10 years old, he was struggling in school. He knew he could one day be killed if he didn't know the history of Panem to a T. So when Mary Jane offered free tutoring, he jumped on the opportunity.

They'd spend hours after school trying to help him understand the complex history of Panem and the Hunger Games. Peter grew to adore the red headed mayors daughter and the feels were mutual.

These feelings were not admitted though until the third time they were put into the reaping. Peter had to put his name in extra times in order to get food for his mother and him that year. Though Mary begged him to take some of her and her fathers feast, he refused.

"Peter." Mj said breathlessly. "Your names in there 19 times. Surely your scared?"

They were sat in a tree outside the Mayors house. Tony was off getting prepared for the reaping.

"Not really. I think I'd have a good chance of winning if I'm picked." Peter smirked.

This wasn't fake confidence. Many years ago, the Capital hand picked several strong men to clean up a radiation spillage in district 3. An  experiment had gone wrong. Many men from different districts were forced to clean it up. What the capitol didn't anticipate was these men having the radiation splicing there genes.

These genetic anomaly's were than passed down to their children. Giving their children unique abilities. The districts were not allowed to know what powers the other district children possess, to keep the hunger games fair. Unfortunately for 12 there was only one district 12 child that had these powers. Peter himself

He could stick to the sides of buildings and ceilings. He had amazing strength and a 6th sense. If a mine was to explode he'd be the first person to sense it. These powers gave him a sense of hope, if he were to get chosen in the reaping he'd have a good chance of winning

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