Avox's and Suicides

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Mary Jane was thrown into a room in the Justice building. She began to chew on her lip. Anxiously waiting for the Peace Keepers to bring her father in to say goodbye.

Surely there was some kind of conspiracy against her dad. He had been so nervous this morning. Did he know she'd get chosen? And Peter, why would he volunteer! She sat on the leather couch, wiping away the remainder of her eye makeup.

The door creaked open. A Peace Keepers deep voice called out "You have five minutes."

Tony walked in, shaken up. Mary immediately ran into his arms.

"Dad. Dad please. Please dad don't let me die. I don't want to die daddy please. Please." She begged. "And Peter. How could he be so stupid and volunteer!" She cried.

"Mary Jane I am so sorry. There's nothing I can do. I may be mayor here but to the capital I'm nothing more than a man from the districts. I have no power there." His voice strained. "Peter will protect you. Keep you alive. But Mary Jane what ever you do, don't let the capital change you. Don't die for their entertainment. If you have to die, do it on your own terms." Tony grabbed her shoulders.

"What do you mean? Like you want me to kill myself?" Mary shook her head.

"No listen to me. Don't let your death fuel their entertainment. Once you're in the arena you are going to want to find these black round berries. If you open them up they are black on the inside with seeds.  Almost like blue berries but they smell awful. You're going to want to carry them around. Survive as long as you can, but if your cornered and have no chance of winning that fight. Eat those berries, they are lethal. Night lock berries. So you can die in your own hands. It will be boring to the scum of the capital. You will not die for their entertainment you'll be dying on your own terms." Tony explained.

"I don't want to die dad." Mj blurted out.

"Peter will protect you. He won't let you get hurt. That is a last resort scenario. Don't let the capital change you sweetheart. Your a beautiful girl with a beautiful soul. Don't you forget it" Tony grabbed her hands and squeezed.

"I can't do this daddy." Mj cried.

"Yes you can. Your good with a gun. All those lessons I've put you through will come in handy. You've got a helluva an aim. Peter is strong and smart." Tony reassured her. "But don't let yourself die for their entertainment."

"I won't. If I'm going to go in going down on my own terms." Mary repeated.

"Thatta girl." Tony pulled her into one last hug. "I love you so much."

"I love you too dad." Mj sniffed.

A Peace Keeper came in to drag Tony out, leaving Mj alone in the decorative room. Tony really thought she had no chance. Explaining to her in great detail on how to kill herself. He was excepting to never see her again. If anything, that conversation made her feel worse. Her father had no hope in her. Not that she had any in herself.

She was escorted out of the room and shoved in a carriage with Effie Trinket. Taking them to the train station. Mary Jane had never been on a train before.

"Where's Peter??" Mary asked. A Peace Keeper had to shove her back into the carriage, she was trying to get out to find him

"Don't worry my dear, our little volunteer is sharing a cart with Haymitch." Effie said in her giddy voice Mary Jane hated so much.

"I need to speak with him." Mary said panicking.

"Don't you worry. It's a days trip to get to the capital by train from here. You'll have plenty of time to talk with him. You'll each be getting your own bedroom, but I won't tell on you if you two share a room." Effie elbowed Mary in the rib and raised an eye brow laughing. "This train is truly the high of luxury so please enjoy it. You deserve it."

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