Am i not pretty already?

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The moment the train made it to the capital, Peter and Mary were separated. Barely giving them time to get dressed into a generic white shirt and green pants. Escorted into different tile covered rooms. A group of colorful people came in the room with Mary.

They wore multicolored eyelashes longer than Mary Janes fingers. Their hair was wild and unnatural. Their dresses a combination of many different fabrics Mj had never seen before. And she though Effie's outfits were crazy.

Flavius, Venia, and Octavia were their names. Strange names for strange people.

"We'll aren't you a pretty thing?" Octavia said. The whole prep team was poking and prodding at her. "Well groomed I see."

"Yes very well groomed." Venia said. "Although she does have a lot of body hair." She lifted Mj's pant leg.

"Mmm yes. And she's got a uni-brow." Flavius commented.

They were talking about her as if she weren't in the room. It felt very degrading to her. Especially when they asked her to strip and sit in a bath for 20 minutes. They put some pink goo in her hair, calling it a hair mask.

They than had her lay on a cold metal table, naked. She was beyond uncomfortable. Were they doing this to Peter too? He would surely hate this.

When they would talk, it was to each other. They acted as if she weren't there. Never conversing with her. She was just a person they had to fix up and make pretty.

They spread warm wax up and down Mary's legs, stomach, pubes, armpits, and around her eyebrows. She invited the soothing heat of the wax. However she did not expect them to yank the wax off her.

She yelped when Octavia pulled the first strip of wax.

"Oh honey I thought you were the mayors daughter. You've never been waxed before?" Octavia asked.

Mary just shook her head no. She was an animal to them. Beneath them. A pet to make pretty for their silly little games.

"I'm sorry we would have warned you if we knew." Venia's apology did seem sincere. Maybe these people could feel empathy?

She laid as still as she could as they finished waxing her. Mary looked down at her legs, they were bleeding slightly. She looked very naked without hair. Like a baby. How was this considered attractive in the slightest. She looked like a toddler. Mary felt uncomfortable, why would the capital fetishize looking like a baby so much.

They took tweezers to her eye brows and plucked individual hairs. They Than washed out the hair mask.

"Don't worry honey this scanner will get rid of those ugly stretch mark." Flavius said sticking a machine to Mj's thigh

Stretch marks? Peter always said those were signatures. That nature would sign its most beautiful creations.

Flavius removed the machine and her signatures were gone. They got rid of all her stretch marks on her legs. Now she really felt like a baby.

"Here stand up here." Octavia helped her stand on a box in the middle of the room. A mirror was in front of it. Mary got a good look of herself. She looked so, so bare. Her hair was shiney, she was hairless everywhere else, her eyebrows looked weird.

Flavius took out a measuring tape and Venia a note pad.

"Cinna will want her body measurements before he sees her." Falvius said. "He's your stylist." He told her. She shook her head.

How degrading it is, standing in the middle of a room surrounded by strangers thag have done nothing but made her look like a baby. Now they were measuring her body. Making comments like.

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