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The following morning, Peter and Mary had to start their training with the other victors.

"Practice with the bow and arrow, I think it's your best choice of weapon. Peter, make it look like you struggle with things. To throw them off your scent. Nobody can know you're a child of radiation. That will work out better for you in the long run, if they don't know who you really are. The district one boy will be all over trying to show off his super strength. Ignore him." Haymitch was preparing them for the day. "Save showing off your powers for your private session with the GameKeepers okay?"

They were taking the elevator down, all the way underneath the ground for their training. Mary didn't know what to expect. A room full of weapons and children destined to die anyway. Who's going to stop them if one of them goes rogue and tries and kills another before the games even begin.

After taking that melatonin pills, she's felt sleepy all morning. Perhaps Haymitch gave her too much. When they woke up that morning, they found tracksuits sitting on their bed. Avox's must have brought them their suits. Black and red, ironically Mary's favorite colors.

"Okay, that sounds like a plan. I can show you how to use a bow, Mary?" Peter suggested

"Don't leave my side," Mary said quietly. How miserable would it be if Peter was murdered today? Way before the games even started.

"Don't worry I'll protect you." He pulled her and kissed her cheek.

"Haymitch these tributes can't- fight other tributes right?" Mary asked wearily.

"No, they can't fight. Don't worry there will be peacekeepers there to keep everything in check. You won't get hurt here." Haymitch reassured her.

The elevator door opened and he lead them to the training room. All the other tributes were there already. Mary looked around for Miles. She felt the need to say something to him. Apologize to him that this happened, maybe? Did he know about the deal? Or was his father silent about it just like her own?

But he was nowhere to be seen. She could easily spot Thor. A rather huge man- muscles bigger than anyone she'd ever seen before. He could easily crush both Mary and Peter's skull in an instant if he wanted to.

"Ahh, there they are! District 12 I presume." Thor spoke to them.

Mary was taken aback by his loud yet cheerful voice. Her tongue swelled up, she couldn't speak up. This man could simply kill Peter this second if he wanted to.

"I am Thor." He introduced himself.

All the other tributes were practicing with weapons. Ignoring Thor. Suddenly Mj felt inclined to talk to him He was the only one not giving the two of them dirty looks.

"Mary." She stuck her hand out for him to shake.

"Ahh, and you were the 12 volunteer." Thor turned to Peter. "Brave man, very brave man. I probably would have done the same if it were my dear Jane to have been picked." Thor said. "Or if it were my brother Loki. Well, maybe not cause I do plan to win this."

"Right," Peter said uncomfortably. "Here I see the bow and arrows." He pointed.

"Okay great," Mary said. "N-nice to meet you." She gave Thor an uncomfortable smile and followed Peter to the archery range.

"That looks nothing like a gun." Mary nervously looked at Peter.

"Well no. But it's okay we can learn how to do it together." Peter reassured her. She gave him an unsure look. "Really! You just hold the bow and pick up an arrow." His tongue snuck out of his lips as he tried to load the bow with the arrow.

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