The Arena and Allies

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There they were, all 24 tributes. Spread out evenly. All on their own pedestal. Mary couldn't hear anything again. The all well known foggy ness came back to her. Just like at the reaping. Just like after the parade. Just like after her interview. They had 60 seconds to stand there on their podium. If someone were to step off their podium before the minute of grace ended- they'd be blown to pieces.

She spent her very precious minute looking for Peter. She couldn't hear the game makers count down but she knew they were. Of course Peter was on the opposite side of the cornucopia.

To her right was Miles, to her left some girl from district 8. The arena seemed to be woods. A temperate climate just like Cinna said. Similarly to the ones in district 12. Peter should thrive in these woods after she dies. He knows how to hunt, how to fight, how to survive.

She stared at Peter. He was mouthing something to her. Run? It was run. But she could see the bow. It was right in front of her. She could grab it if she was fast enough.

The count down must have ended, all the tributes were running towards the cornucopia including Peter. Mary's legs carried her towards the bow and arrow, she threw the quiver on her back and loaded her bow.

Mary began to run towards the tree line, just as Peter had made her promise. He had gotten hold of a bag and was running towards her. However, screams brought back her hearing. It was Miles. The girl from 8 was on top of him, choking him to death.

Without really thinking about it, Mary pointed her bow at the girls neck and shot her. Saving Mile's life. He pushed the body off him and looked around for his savior. He caught Mary's eye and she screamed run to him. He got up and ran into the nearest woods.

Mary ran into a bush and waited. Waited for Peter to come. She watched the blood bath before her. Steve had murdered at least 4 people already. Not even with a weapon but with his bare hands. Watching him twist children necks was absolutely sickening.

She looked around for Peter again, her heart stopped when she saw Scott Lang lunging at Peter. His sense warned him in time and he was able to over power Scott very easily. But Peter didn't kill him. He left Scott and ran towards the woods as fast as he could. Scott didn't follow, seemingly shocked that Peter had spared him

That's when reality set in, Mary had murdered a girl. Am innocent 16 year old girl. She was a killer. The capital did change her after all. But she felt little remorse, the girl could have ran into the woods or towards the cornucopia. But she instead went after the most helpless kid there.

"Get up quick!" Peter whisper shouted pulling Mary up by the armpit.

He dragged her through the woods as fast as he could, putting a great distance between them and the cornucopia.

After a good 20 minutes of them purely running, they started walking at a reasonable pace. Peter had taken a look inside his back pack.

A filter to make water drinkable, a pack of squirrel jerky, a single muffin, some rope, a sleeping bag, and a small carving knife.

"I think we got lucky." Mary said in a hushed voice.

"Your so stupid. Why the hell would you go for that bow?! You could have been killed right away." Peter whisper shouted.

"Well I got it didn't I? It was right there. And we needed a weapon." Mary protested.

"Hmm." Peter sighed. "At least you still got your good aim."

"You saw that didn't you?" Mary asked.

"Yeah. You saved the kids life." Peter said.

"I couldn't just let this little kid die. She was being cowardly anyway. Going after the weakest person there." Mary assured him. Well mainly assuring herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2022 ⏰

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