Chapter 5: 9:00

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The day started out with the girls getting ready for outing and just for the fun of it quietly tiptoeing the girls had the air horn a smirk showed on their faces as this was going to be a hoot.





with a scream Kevin fell off the bed and started chasing Sophie because she had the air horn grabbing her from behind to have the stupid horn Sophie laughed trying to keep him from getting it.

"Give it ya little pain." Kevin argued playfully as she finally broke free and she was hiding in the bathroom with Krystal giggling, hearing banging "LET ME IN!!!"

"Okay." They both said and opened the door as he was banging and fell as they ran for it, clever as he is, he outsmarted them and grabbed Sophie from behind again and had it "HA!"

"Come on, girls we got shopping to do."

Getting ready they'd walk out and head to the store, as Kevin was getting his stuff he could see the girls go for some trolli's but Krystal came out of the aisle without Sophie.

Kevin is in the supermarket at the checkout with his twin sister and Sophie ]

Kevin holding a magazine asks "Are those microwave dinners any good?"

Checkout girl answers scanning "I don't know."

Kevin replied "We'll give 'em a whirl.

[she holds up a bag of army men]

Kevin and the girls smile "For the kids. [gets out a coupon for the orange juice] Hold on, I got a coupon for that. It was in the paper this morning."

Checkout girl looked at the screen and said the cost "$19.83."

Kevin he says "Okay." And gave the money

Checkout girl curious asked "Are you here all by yourself?"

Kevin leaned in and told the girl "Ma'am, we're 8 years old. You think we'd be here alone? I don't think so."

Checkout girl "Where's your mom?"

Kevin "our mom is in the car."

Checkout girl: Where's your father?

Kevin "He's at work."

Checkout girl "What about your brothers and your sisters?"

Kevin: "we're the only children."

Checkout girl asked "Where do you live?"

Kevin replied "I can't tell you that."

Checkout girl "Why not?"

Kevin "Cause you're a stranger."

[Kevin and the girls are walking home, and the bags with the groceries break; Kevin is in the basement putting in a load of laundry when the furnace opens]

Furnace as the mouth piece opens "Hello, Kevin!"

Kevin looked scared abit then said "Shut up!" He nodded and the girls followed him up the stars

Hours later

[Kevin with the girls holding it, is on a ladder cutting down a tree; when Harry spots them

Harry: Hey, Marv Harrieta. [wakes them up] Marv, Marv! Harrieta Look at this. I think we're gettin' scammed by a kindygartner.

[Harry, Harrieta who jumped and Marv are looking in through the window when Kevin with the girls passing the ornaments, he catches their reflection in an ornament he's putting on the tree; pretends to ask for help]

Kevin looked to Krystal as she took it to look and said together "Dad, can you come here and help me?"

Harry gently this time slaps them on the shoulders "Remember those kids we saw the other day? The twins live here and the girl I guess Sophie is his girlfriend."

Harrieta arched an eyebrow interested "a kid has a girlfriend?"

Marv after Harrieta he put his two cents "If the kid's here, the parents gotta be."

Harry shaking his head looking back at them "They're home alone."

Marv and Harrieta followed Harry out back in the snow "What? You wanna come back tonight?"

Harry replied "Uh huh."

Harrieta took a turn to say something "Even with the kids here?"

Harry he said again "Uh huh."

Marv while Harrieta shook her head no agreeing with uncle marv "I don't think that's a good idea."

Harry turned to face the two "Look, that house is the only reason we started workin' this block. Ever since I laid my eyes on that house, I wanted it."

[Kevin and the girls beside him opens the window and is listening]

Harry then explains his plan "Let's take it one step at a time. We'll unload the van, get a bite to eat, we'll come back about 9:00."

All three [whispering]: Nine o'clock.

Harry continues "This way it's dark then."

Marv and Harrieta just nods agreeing "Yeah, kids are a-scared of the dark."

Harry shook his head "You're afraid of the dark too, Marv. You know you are. And as my daughter you are one wuss in dark."

Marv retorted walking away with the two "No, we're not."

Harry continued "Yes, you are."

Marv and Harrieta "Not, not, not."

Harry's voice fades away "You are so."

Kevin [to himself]: Mom, where are you? I don't think I have the strength to protect the girls much longer alone I can't let Sophie get hurt...

He closed the window and sat with them thinking of a plan while Kevin was on the chair she sat on his lap like a kid on a parents lap, to cuddle, he held her close, kissed her head and continued to stroke her hair very softly and gently.

Authors Note: I'm going to leave this on a high note it's small and short but that's just the beginning I'll add more the next three days anyways comment below give me more anyways. I trust you to figure out and put together the title and the story within the title. Good luck

Please vote and comment feedback I'd love to hear everything or read I mean :)

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