so was that a date orrrr

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I froze in my spot not knowing what to do, what to respond with, but after a few seconds maybe a minute I said something back to her "I love you to,".

I stared into her gold like eyes they seemed to glimmer in a million different colors they were the most beautiful looking eyes I ever seen in my life.

"So what do you want to do now, cutie?" Roxy asked after a few minutes of just staring lovely at each other.

"What ever you want to do." (I have to make it up to her for making her fall in love with someone as awful as me.)

"I heard music man should be playing some-" Roxanne stopped for a moment and I noticed the time it was almost time for the 2nd show of the day, "say how about you come with me and you can wait for me backstage while we perform the show." Roxy said after a few more seconds of thinking.

"Sounds like a plan!" I said effusiastically.

And so that's what happened we walked over backstage me and Roxy holding hands but before the show I did something I didn't even know I was doing before I well did it I said to Roxy, "Hey I have a good luck gift before the show for this to be the best one yet." And before I gave it a second thought I kissed her on the check.

"Heh thanks and I know this be the best show for you count my words." Roxy said grabbing her lime green keytar.

This time the show felt like it was taking forever so I started sketching some more characters when I saw I had gotten a text from my mom which read, "Hey got off early you want to stay the night, or do you want me to come and pick you up?"

I thought on my answer for a second and then decided on an answer "I think I actually want to stay the week it's a lot of fun here haha."
I wanted for a second for my mom to reply and when she did it read this, "haha okay let's take it one day at a time I get you some things at the store need clothes for tomorrow."
I responded with "nah worst case scenario I get some at the gift shop could probably get it on a deal since I actually befriend one of the animatronics here lol" I decided not to tell my mom that I was in love with an animatronic (that's because I'm not I'm faking it aren't I)

I wait for my mom to reply but she didn't so I'm guessing mom was busy talking with auntie about where to meet to give her some basic hygiene things.

"Hey cutie show turned put great who knows maybe you should kiss me before every show~" Roxy told me coming from the stage and putting her keytar up.

"Um Roxy monty literally triped and fell into the crowd how is that anything but bad?" Freddy asked Roxy.

"Simple no more shows today and hopefully none tomorrow as well, while he gets fixed up so that means I get to spend time with my favorite person." Roxy said winking at me which made me blush heavily.

"Music man won't be playing for around another 30 minutes since the show just finished you know wanting people to get hyped up for him." Roxy told me as we left the backstage to be meet with a bunch of fans.

We were quickly able to avoid them and not being slowed down to much we decided to do a bit of monty golf while we wait for Music man's show to continue, it was pretty fun any by the end we had were in a tie by the time his show continued but we decided since we were having so much fun to continue with gator golf.

"Hah beat that hot stuff." Roxy said after getting a hole in one.

"Sure thing um puppy," I replied (why did you call her that she probably hates it you're so embarrassing why do you even try anymore? WHY DO YOU EVEN TRY ANYMORE?)

I breathed in and out then hitting the ball at first I thought I hit it to hard but it somehow made it in I was just happy to also get a hoke in one.

I don't know how much time had passed when I got a text from my aunt to meet her and Ams at the front to leave for the night.

"Awww man leaving so soon when are you going to be back?" Roxy asked tail and ears dropping and sounding very sad.

"Don't worry puppy my aunt is staying at the hotel here for the week and my mom said that I can at least stay tomorrow now don't do anything stupid while I'm not here okay pup." I told Roxy rubing her head with my hand.

"I only do greath things I've never done anything stupid in my life!" Roxy said Turing the golf club and on cue accidentally hit herself on the head with the gold club, which luckily only made a sold noise when she had hit herself with it and she wasn't hurt.

"Yeah maybe don't do that." I giggled putting away my golf club and her's as well.

"Fine that was my first stupid thing I did in my life besides its not like I fell onto the ground Dearing a performance like a certain someone." Roxy mumbled rubbing her head.

Roxy kept one of her hands on where she had hit herself and I held the other as we walked over to the front gate.

"Promise me you come back tomorrow okay." Roxy said when the gate was in eye sight.

"I promise puppy besides I have never broken a promise before." I said boping her nose which made a speaking noise, "Oh my gosh your nose speaks eek so quite!"

"Heh oh you shut up all of our nosess do okay." Roxy said hitting me on the side.

"Yeah, yeah well see you tomorrow puppy!"

"Yeah see you tomorrow as well cutie!"

I left, with my aunt back to the hotel and I did my basic night time care routine as well playing a few games with Ams that she had packed.

I got into the second bed, my aunt told me she would sleep with Ams tonight and we all told each other our goodnights.

But yet I couldn't help but thinking about Roxanne the wolf or as I was calling her now puppy maybe I could find love (no you can't and you know that you're tricking yourself she hates you and are annoyed with you she never wanted to talk to you on her own she was some how payed or forced to SHE HATES WHO YOU ARE)

I was only able to fall asleep around 3 hours before I would be awake again.

Hi so quick author note thank you all so much for reading this fic

happiness (roxanne wolf x trans m!reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt