wow dead people so original

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For the last few days me and Roxy have been getting along more and more, and yesterday decided to actually start dating, we were just hanging in her room and were just talking and laughing it was really nice to just talk to someone.

"Hey so how's Monty? I think I can hear him from all the way over here." I asked Roxy with a small laugh.

"After he was finished being fixed up and got some new upgrades they brought him back to his room but he was so angry that he messed up the show he's messing up everything and was actually told that we won't start doing anymore till he calms done haha." Roxy replied putting her arm around me.

"Haha wow, well um anyhow there was something I actually wanted to give you." I chuckled out to Roxy.

"Oh really I do to you go first!" Roxy told me while wagging her tail with pure joy in her eyes and voice.

I got out the first picture I drew of her on that first day, the first time I saw her, and what was the reason why we first talked to each other. "Here I know it's not much but you were so excited to see it and well I decided that well... you should be the person to have it."

"Thank you so much man I guess I'm the overachiever even in gifts," she told me grabbing a box and a bag from under her mirror.

She gave them to me and I first opened up the bag that had a Roxy plush with her signature written on it, the next gift which was in a small box had a watch that was based off of roxanne I knew they gave some of the out that looked like Freddy but not roxanne.

"You see that watch is different than those free watches they give out these can connect to the animatronic they are based on but instead from just inside the building like the free ones it can connect from well anywhere in the world I also had them add a few more features to that one." Roxy told me after I opened it up.

I quickly put it on and then said to her, "thank you so much puppy I don't even know what to say!" I hugged her after that I said that.

I could tell she was shocked for a minute but then she hugged me back and it was the most wonderful thing I ever felt.

I knew then that even though the dark moments were still dark and there was still a good amount of them they became slightly lighter and there were less, and the light moments there were so many more and I didn't knew before that they could get any lighter but they did and it was amazing.

After a bit more Roxy asked me if she could trust me with a huge secret of hers. "Of course puppy whatever it is it be okay and I will still love you." I told her rubing her check.

She got up and closed her curtains to her room before sitting back down and giving out a sigh (robots shouldn't sigh why is she sighing she hates me that's why I'm an idiot someone she hates she's going to tell me that)

"I wasn't always like this, I wasn't always- I wasn't always a robot." She told me looking down at the floor in almost a saddened voice.

"W-what," I was confused I didn't know what to expect but I don't think it was that.

"You know the "personality chips" well I don't have one I don't really know how if they put my head into a chip or if for some reason I decided to posses this animatronic I can't even remember my last moments alive." She continued now crying (how can she cry I thought animatronics can't cry no it's her human self but how?)

"Do you mind telling me what you do know?" I asked Roxy putting a hand on her's trying to comfort her.

"I think my name before was also roxanne or something similar I think I had just turned 17 around a week or so before and me with some of my friends decided to break into this place they were making well my new body I rember getting close to it being drawn to her and that's all I remember before walking up, I was finished I was scared before still am but decided to Play a character one who wouldn't be afraid, one who was actually cool, one who would win at well everything, one who wouldn't be a fucking losser." Roxy was full on crying no sobbing into me at this point and all I could do was hug her and tell her that it would be all right that she didn't have to worry.

"Don't worry Roxy you aren't a losser to me and you never will be and never were."


"Yeah, really,"

I don't know how much time had passed I didn't care all I knew was that my friend no my Roxy was hurt by someone truly, truly awful and that I would make them suffer ten times worst. (How was I supposed to know what would happen it's not my fault that I-)

It had been a bit Roxy decided to keep the curtains closed for the rest of the day, we were playing a few boardgames while listening to monty well being monty, when Roxy asked me this question.

"Hey how old are you?"

"16, about to turn 17 this April why?"

"I heard that this place is thinking about having internships this summer and that you can apply when your 17."

A whole summer with my favorite person well sign me up!

"That's great my mom could take me when she's going to work since it's near by."

"I also heard that their going to let people who live far away star at the hotel~"

"Even better! Where do I sign up!"

"Haha when you're 17"

We laughed and decided to head to the arcade which I spent the last of my ten bucks I had at the beginning to win Roxy a plush of well herself.

"Hey so when do you think you be back?" Roxy asked me while playing this game trying to shot the most aliens with a ship.

"Oh I definitely be back for my birthday and who knows maybe if you guys sign a deal with wars on stars my dad will probably take me." I laughed at the last part it was half true he does love wars on stars though we wouldn't have enough money to go here just for that we probably don't have enough money to spend my birthday here.

"Whoa I won let do I win?" Roxy yelled after beating me.

"Says there you won 50 tickets nice we can probably get a lollipop with that." I replied looking at the game screen.

"That's it I'm doing one of those craw machines!" Roxy yelled out in anger.

"You know me and my dad are pretty good at those I can help you." I said getting off of my seat.

"Hah I don't need help!"

---------five minutes later----------
"Yeah I need help..."

I started doing the typical tactics my dad had taught me to winning these things one aim for something that is on its own (bonus points if it's near to where you nerd to drop it), two once you get above it wait for the crsw to stop shaking a lot, 3 look on the sides not just the front, four try to move craw to have an easier time grabbing the plush if needed, and five go for it.

A few moments before I had to start heading down to head home with my mom I heard Roxy running towards me and calling my name. "Y/n, y/n look at what I won!" It was a Roxy plush but in a different style, "here for you hah guess I can't stop giving you things till I give you the world."

"Thank you, but I don't think k I be able to effectively bring you home with me if you gave me the world, my world." I told Roxy holding her face in my hands.

That's when I got another text from my mom which read- "Hey deadname your aunt just gave me your bag I be waiting out front for you."

"Huh guess my mom already came I'm really going to miss you puppy." I told Roxy I loved to just look into her now more human like eyes they were so, oh so beautiful (you shouldn't think that you're going to hurt her one way or another before you cam even)

"Here my last gift, a gift that I know you will remember forever " Roxy told me and before I knew what she was doing I felt her lips on mine.

We were kissing

My first kiss

Was with someone so much more amazing than I am

Someone who I never want to let go of

The kiss felt like it was forever and like it was done in a second.

We were able to quickly make it the front while holding our hands like we did everyother day though this time I never wanted to let go I wanted to stay with her for well forever.

But I knew what we were both thinking, that I should stay here forever (no I shouldn't it would be terrible she, roxanne would hate me even more if I did stay)

happiness (roxanne wolf x trans m!reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon