zoom zoom motherfuckers, electric boogaloo

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"Roxy slow down haha the race course won't just vanish." I told Roxy as we were running through the crowd.

"That's the thing today's the last day before they start remodeling it, something about it not being safe or what not." Roxy said when we could see the entrance to Roxy raceway, and there was a sign that said "last day to race with Roxy until- 20xx".

"Huh guess you were right,"

"I'm ALWAYS right,"

"Other then you being a losser, because well you aren't you're anything but a losser."

"Heh thanks, potatoe,"

"Is that a new Nickname I hear, because I like it."

"Thank just came up with it."

"Now then let's get to racing!"

And with that both me and Roxy had entered the raceway this time a whole lot more of the viewing seats were full in fact it seemed like they were all full.

I'm guessing the robot some how remembered me because after I had scanned my ticket and the robot had scanned me it said, "y/n the first person to have beaten Roxy herself, welcome back." And with that everyone went wild.

"Hey don't be nervous, worst case I go a bit slower then normal for you." Roxanne whispered to me while we waited for the last few people to join.

"Hah no way besides the same kid who's gokart blew up is here again I should be good." I whispered back to her with a slight chuckle.

"We should really ask what their name is,"

"Meh it's funnier to call them gokart exploder," I giggled with Roxanne saying that.

We waited till the last kid came in when Roxy did the same thing that  happened last time with a slow lap to get an understanding of the layout.

By lap 3 me and Roxy were edge by edge if anything happened to another gokart the other will have just enough time to win this race.

By lap 4 we were still by each other edge it was so close the finishing line was just a few inches ahead when I heard a popping noise like the first time I came but it was now louder I felt like I was flying I had closed my eyes but when I reopened them I realized that the gokart was falling luckily I wasn't hurt and there was also the fact that I now won twice due to the gokarts sucking I both hope and don't hope that they change this.

"Woooooo! Good job y/n seems like we found the luckiest racer who can beat even a master like myself!" Roxanne cheered a second or two later when she also reached the finish line.

"Heh, thanks and like you said it probably is just dumb luck or I can just make gokarts explode whenever." I chuckled rubing my hand on the back of my head.

"Well then I guess you deserve this special trophy since you are the winner of the last race till the revamp is over." Roxy told me handing me a golden trophy that felt heavier then the other one which once Roxy told everyone this part made since, "everyone we have a winner the only person to beat me in my own raceway, the winner of the real gold cup, the last winner of this addition of Roxy raceway! Y/n!".

And with that the crowd went wild I wanted to be happy finally people were noticing me people like me (no they don't it's dumb luck you don't deserve this they hate you and are just mocking) but there was so much noise and so many people talking and other gokarts and I thought I could almost hear something underneath us moving I could hear... everything.

I started breathing heavily please make it stop anyone please.

Roxy noticed me and took my hand I was startled, she tilted her head to a room the had made for her to get ready for racing and without saying a thing asked me if I would like to go there with her which I nodded my head to.

We walked while she covered my ears which I was more then grateful for once we walked in it was... quite there wasn't a noise to be heard anywhere it so nice after that.

"Hey are you okay I noticed you looked stressed out so I brought you here, I'm super to be the only one allowed to be here but well they don't really pay that much attention to that." Roxy whispered to me putting a hand on my face which I quickly put my hand on it felt so nice.

"Y-yeah I just Heh its dumb but a lot of noise at once makes me panic," I shakily told her leaning into her hand more.

"It's okay, I understand if it makes you feel better we can stay here for a while I do have to change still and what not."

"Yeah that would um be great, how did you well you know get a noise canceling room?"

"Well when this place was just opening I was panicking hearing everyone calling my name so I pit in a request for a noise canceling room and well they fixed it up same with my normal room but with that well Monty isn't the best neighbor haha."

"Wow I wish I was half as lucky as you, even if I had eyes half as beautiful as yours then I be the second to luckiest person in the world though first place is no where near to second,"

"And what makes the first person the luckiest person in the world?"

"The one who dates you,"

I could never stop staring into her eyes that were like the sun to me no better if the sun ever went out then I be safe because I would have her eyes to keep me warm.

We decided to go back to Roxy's room and just hung out.

"Okay I'm like supper bored what should we do?" Roxy asked me while playing a game about a blue hedge."

"Honestly I kinda wanna kiss you." I told her then wished I never said that was it true yeah do you just say that to being asked what to do well I guess that I do.

"Well if you want to so much," Roxy put down her game and went to the front of her couch and bent down to me.

That's when I realized she was kissing me again it felt so amazing and that's when I heard it.

"Roxanne wolf please head to the backstage before the show begins."

"Huh didn't know it was time for the afternoon show," Roxy looked at me.

We did the same as last time were I went backstage with her and had kissed her but instead of on the check like I did before it was on the lips.

I fell asleep waiting for her not realizing that she had brought me back to her room and the pizzaplex was closing to customers.

I wasn't the only one there after hours

happiness (roxanne wolf x trans m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now