have a Holly jolly birthday

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"Thank you again guys, you're the best!" I said to my parents on the way to freddy's mega pizzaplex. Just under two months ago I had went to this place while my aunt was on a mini vacation and staying at the hotel that they had there and that's when I meet her, the one the only roxanne wolf.

It turns out she was once 15 the age I am now and was exploring the pizzaplex before she... before she woke up as roxanne the wolf.

I heard a little ding and looked down at the watch I had gotten a message from the devil herself.

Roxanne- hey cutie how long till you come.

Y/n- we just got in the car we're getting breakfast and then going to head over there so if there's no traffic then we should be there in around and hour and thirteen minutes.

Roxanne- ughhhhh that's so long.

Y/n- I know but the good news is that my parents already agree to let me do a  summer internship there which means

Roxanne- I get to have my whole summer with my favorite person!

Y/n- that's not all I also am working on a daily routine for both of us for our self confidence and to both it.

Roxanne- oh um cool

Y/n- so do you have any plans for today?

Roxanne- no not really hah never been a planer

Y/n- lol same maybe we can do a round of gokarting but other than that I have no idea.

Roxanne- since your going to have an official birthday party here instead of just coming here then me and the others will have to sing a stupid song and since you guys picked me to be your animatic for the party I have to serve a cake out of my stomach hatch and what not.

Y/n- can't wait to hear you sing again

Roxanne- you know I don't only sing both of our original songs but all kind of other songs on our video calls

Y/n- hah I know but still it can't be that bad right

Roxanne- it is

Roxanne- it is that bad

Roxanne- please put on so earbuds I don't want bofe of us to be embarrassed by that stupid song

Y/n- quick question how many times have you guys sing that song?

Roxanne- I've only singed it once before but monty hasn't singed it yet so I'm dragging him to since I have to

Y/n- we can tease monty

Roxanne- and get us killed?

Y/n- I mean kinda two for one deal lol

Roxanne- haha no.

Roxanne- look I honestly don't really care about me worst case I get scraped but you anything could happen it's to risky

Y/n- hey we, look it be okay we can just write him notes without using our normal handwriting okay

Roxanne- yeah how much longer.

Y/n- I can see the building!

Roxanne- doesn't help much

Y/n- like ten minutes

Roxanne- okay I'm going to do my last few touches and then I be there

I sighed and clicked out of the texting feature I decided to post something on Freddygram it was a simple peace of art I did trying to repacte the real art herself Roxanne.

It got a few likes but that was fine since in all honesty I didn't out to much work into it.

"Okay n/n we're here!" My dad said getting out of the car.

"You see how long I have to drive for, now?" My mom asked us in THAT tone.

"Yeah, yeah thanks mom hey how long till we get our birthday room?" I asked them.

"Signing in now luckily I got it so that when we go in we be shown to our parry room by one of the robots here." My mom remarked checking her phone.

I nodded as we walked inside and just like she said after we got checked in there was a robot who showed us to our party room.

We were the only people today who had signed up for a birthday so as a gift they gave us the biggest birthday room for our price we had spent just online... it was an inch bigger then the other one.

We got in and that when I heard what Roxy had talked about.

"Now lady and folks the glamrocks have a very special birthday to celebrate today," the rest though there's only one way to describe it, it was like the happy birthday song mixed with Holly jolly Christmas and I loved it.

After that monty, Freddy, and chika all left the room while Roxanne stayed, and once the door closed she said this "hmm there seems to be something missing in here I think I left it inside me but I can't remember what it is mind helping?"

I giggled at that and so did roxanne this was probably one of the things she was program to do I heard my dad say, "that is the stupidest thing I have ever even hear.", my mom replied with a typical, "d/n," I decided to leave them to that.

"Hmm well looking at this room my only guess would have to be," I paused for a second before Turing around and in my best detective voice replied to her question with, "The cake! That's what's in your stomach hatch!"

"Wow good job! Thank you for reminding me it was the cake now I can safely get it out!" Roxy said opening her stomach hatch and there was in fact a cake which she pulled out and put on the table.

"Huh that's pretty cool, hey I wonder how much they be willing to sell these animatronics for." My dad remarked, my mom replied to that with, " I bet you could get one of those wet foor signs if you give them your life." My mom giggled at her own joke.

"Now me and your dad be over at the um... adult area now take this 50 bucks and have a fun time." My mom told me after we all got done eating.

"Okay thanks mom! I'm going to Roxy raceway and we'll decide from there!"

"Okay just remember to have fun and if you need anything call us Okay sweetie."

"Okay mom,"

"Don't worry miss your kid will be more then fine with me!"

Mom and dad had both left the room but I could have almost shorn they had said something about Roxanne seeming almost alive and I think Roxanne heard it as well.

(Hi so quick little author note there's two reasons why this chapter took so long to make so one, it would have originally been more of a place holder then anything else nothing new no story no well anything all we would get to know is that y/n is obsessed with Roxanne which I decided to change but I also had a bit of burn out because I didn't like how the chapter was going and I already had put like 600 words and I like to have at least 1000 words but after a lot of thinking I decided you know what I'm going to rewrite this chapter and yeah I'm hoping to post a few other chapters here and there and I also decided to change the story just a tiny bit and hopefully now I can foreshadow it haha)

happiness (roxanne wolf x trans m!reader)Where stories live. Discover now