Chapter 8. ― The Wire

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Wednesday rolled around quicker than I could have anticipated, and suddenly I was preparing for our performance

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Wednesday rolled around quicker than I could have anticipated, and suddenly I was preparing for our performance. Together as a band, we'd been grinding 24/7 to write as many new songs as we could. Luckily, I'm a musical genius and we were able to come up with two brand new songs as well as master a handful of more popular songs to polish off our set. 

After our practice session on Monday at Niki's house when Clay came to pick up Drista, we talked for a bit about our sets and I found out that Feral-ish were playing right after we were. Despite Drista's complaints, we organized that we could carpool to get to the venue together and watch each other's shows. 

So there I was, standing in front of my mirror and finishing off my makeup (I tried to embody my inner Haley Williams for this show, especially since we were playing two Paramore songs for the end of the show) and waiting for Clay to come and pick me up. To make it easier for everyone, Karl went ahead and sorted out that he'd pick up and drop off Niki, Cara and Alex; and Clay would drive for everyone else. 

My doorbell rang just as the clock turned 7:30 and I picked up my gear and hurried to the door. I was expecting Clay to be the one coming to the door (which doesn't make any sense since he's driving), but instead, I was greeted by a head of fluffy brown hair topped by white sunglasses and a pair of round, curious eyes.  

"Hey, Y/n, you ready to go?" George asked, his mouth curving upwards into a reserved smile. 

I returned his smile and peered around him to look at the barren hallway. 

"Sure, but how'd you get up to my floor?"

He laughed and held up the set of keys to my apartment that I'd given to Drista. I made a sound of understanding and closed the door behind me, the two of us proceeding to walk down the hall to the elevator. I pushed the button marked with an arrow pointing downwards and the metal doors opened, allowing us to enter. 

George pressed the button to take us to the garage and we fell into an awkward silence as the elevator descended. I didn't know George very well at all. 

Sure, we'd talked a little bit while when we all went out as a group for drinks on Sunday, but besides that, he was practically a stranger to me. I racked my brain thinking of something, anything to use as a conversation starter and end this miserable silence. 

"So, I'm guessing you drew the short straw and that's why you're the one who came to get me?" I asked. 

The brunette snorted loudly. 

"Oh, no, you've got it backwards. The others were all fighting for who got to come get you. I got tired of all the arguing, took Drista's keys and decided to get it done myself," he explained. 

I laughed right as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. 

"At least we aren't going to be late now," I joked while we walked over to Clay's SUV. I could see him, Nick and Drista inside, caught up in a heated argument. 

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