Chapter Five

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      You jumped awake to the sound of your backup alarm blaring, meaning you were terribly late for your shift and had somehow slept through your previous alarms. 

      You leaped up from your bed, hastily putting your uniform on and quickly getting your things together. You had to reluctantly skip breakfast and your morning coffee. 

      You sprinted out of the house and to your car, quickly getting buckled and starting to drive. You switched the radio on, not wanting to get lost in thought yet again. That always seemed to happen if you let yourself drive in silence, and lately getting lost in thought had been a deadly rabbit hole.

     You had almost completely forgotten about driving Miles home yesterday. Before your mind could start hyper-fixating on all the details of the visit - like the camcorder footage - you switched your thought process to something else.


       Waylon Park would get to go home today, if nothing else showed up as wrong on his test. For some reason, you found yourself getting anxious to see him, and didn't even notice you were speeding until you arrived at the emergency room. You sat in your car for a moment, staring at the front doors, and wondering why you had been such a god damn mess lately.

      But you knew why. Something was going on. And no matter how much you tried to ignore it, the sense was too strong. Maybe, just maybe, trying to figure things out would be worth it…

       You sighed and tried to clear your head as you got out of your car. You opened your door and gasped, almost slamming your door into the car next to you. It was a red jeep that looked relatively nice, and like it could handle some pretty rough terrain. You closed your eyes tightly, thankful that you caught yourself before damaging the car. 

     When you opened your eyes, you found your gaze had settled on the rear-view mirror of the red jeep. Hanging from the mirror, was what looked like a business card for freelance journalism. The name 'Miles Upshur' was written on the card.

      Realizing you almost dented Upshur's car was worse than almost denting the car in the first place, but you wouldn't let yourself dwell on that. You had a job to do, and a Waylon Park to visit.

       You closed your door and locked your car, heading towards the front doors and quickly walking inside. Sarah sped past you. 

        "You're late, you're never late!" She acknowledged, halting and spinning around to talk to you. Even though you were relatively new, you had a good streak of almost never being late to work. Even when you were late, it wasn't my much, and had never been of your own accord.

        "I know, I know, I'm sorry," You apologized. "I'll admit it, I honestly just accidentally slept in this time. I hope our supervisor isn't too upset at me." 

      The idea of making your supervisor upset was terrifying to you, but somehow didn't feel that important compared to the over-looming sense that something bad was happening behind the scenes.

     "I don't think they'll mind considering how much of a good worker you've been," Sarah smiled widely, then seemed to suddenly remember how busy she was. "Would you bring Mr Park and his wife their breakfast? I said I would and I have another patient to get to. That is if you aren't busy as well. I'm sorry, I can just do-" 

      "Don't worry, I can handle that," You returned the smile, even though you had cut her off. Besides, you were looking for a reason to see Waylon, and if you were able to take some trouble off of a friend's plate in the process, that was even better.

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