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Word count: 1078

After the ice cream social, and the death of Kenny. I walked home tears in my eyes. I walked inside to my parents arguing about something stupid and my dad walked in "where did you go young child!" My dad said in his angry voice
"Don't you remember dad? The social was today" I said still sobbing
Mom came over and gave me a hug "sweetie, what happened.. you're crying you're face is red" Y/N looked up at their mother and muttered "K-kenny is dead.." I ran up to my
Room and my dad tried to follow me
But mom held his arm "don't it's best to leave them alone when they are upset we can help later." I ran to my bed imeateatly and stuffed my head into my body pillow sobbing. Eventually I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up at 2 am considering I fell asleep at 6:30 pm that was a good 8 hours. I felt fuzzy from last night. I could not remember what went on and why I was all red and puffy and I got up and I texted my friends group chat

Y/n: hey everyone I just woke up is anyone up?

A few minutes later I got a reply from Stan.

Stan: Hey Y/N I'm still up is everything alright?

Y/N: I'm good I just feel a bit fuzzy What happened last night

Stan: oh we went to a party at school. You probably danced to hard with Kenny

Y/n: Oh right thanks Stan

Stan: I'm going to bed now goodnight Y/n

Y/n: Goodnight Stanley

Y/n bit their phone down on their night stand and stretched their arms and legs. "I feel like something else happened yesterday" Y/N went downstairs into the kitchen and saw her mom still up crying "mom are you okay?" Mom looked at me and said "yes baby I'm okay...go back to bed mama will talk to you in the morning" I went back upstairs and laid back down going back to sleep

In the morning

Y/n had woken up at 6 am it was Saturday, may 4th. School was almost over and I got a call from Kyle i answered my cellphone
"Hey Kyle why are you calling me so early" Kyle said "good morning "Y/N I just made a ton of water balloons we are Infront of my house in with Kenny and Stan we are going to attack Cartman with them. Come over quick." Kyle hung up and I quicky changed into my green swim suit and grabbed a towel "by mom in going to Kyle's I'll be back soon!"
I left the house and ran to Kyle. And as soon as I saw Kenny I remembered what happened last night "K-k....KENNY?!!" " Stan looked at me confused " you saw Kenny yesterday why are you shocked?"
"I don't know.. I just missed him I guess" Kenny looked at Y/N and said "awwe how sweet" still being muffled by his fluffy parka" then Cartman came outside and we all took a water balloon and threw It at Cartman. He shrieked and grabbed his hose and sprayed us with the hose. We all giggled and Stan said "oh it's on!" And threw more water balloons at him. Kyle giggles and threw a water balloon at Stan and Kenny got another balloon and threw one at Kyle back. Then Cartman sprayed Kenny and Kenny said something angrily and threw more balloons at him
And it broke out into a water balloon war
We were all running around throwing water balloons at each other. Soon Jimmy heard the commotion and came over the see what's going on
"Hey everyone w-w-what are you doing" Cartman threw a water balloon at the crippled kid. "That's it it's on" Jimmy said on his crutches he stole Cartman's hose and sprayed Cartman. After a few hours I decided to go home "bye guys, I need to go each lunch! I'll see you all tomorrow!" I walked home in my towel and when I got inside lunch was already done.
Mac and cheese. "Sit down Y/N we need to talk to you" mom said and I sat down "yeah mom and dad" I shoved bites of food in my mouth and dad said "we are getting a divorce and you are moving to Oklahoma with your mom and grandma. I am staying here." I suddenly lost my appetite "I-i am not hungry anymore..Mom I don't want to leave south park! I love It here!"
"I'm sorry sweetie but grandma needs help and we can't stay here" Y/N starts tearing up "Dad...please let me stay I don't want to move to Oklahoma!"
Dad looks at his food sadly "I'm sorry y/n I can't raise you on my own. Mom has grandma to help her, it won't be so bad I promise." I got up from the dinning room table and ran out of the house sobbing. And I ran into Kenny going home. He was soaked just like me "K-kenny! I'm so glad to see you!" Y/n hugged Kenny

Y/n what's wrong, you're crying?"
Kenny said and hugged them trying to help. "I'm moving to Oklahoma..." Kenny looked down with a sad expression and pat my back "I'm going to miss you, Y/N." I sobbed into Kenny and he texted the group chat

Kenny: Guys Y/N is moving D: we need to spend time with them. Everyone meet me and Y/N at the park we are going to spend our last time hanging out with them.

Wendy: Oh god! Not Y/N

Stan: I'm coming

Cartman: count me out 😒

Kyle: you are such a fat asshole Cartman

Kenny said under his pet parka "we are meeting everyone in the park Y/N." Kenny took Y/n's hand and walked to the park Y/N and Kenny sat on a hill together and Wendy showed up and ran up to them and she yelled "Y/NNNNN!!!" Soon the others followed except Cartman because he's an asshole. Kyle, Stan, Nicole, Jimmy, Token, Nelly and even Bebe came. Bebes fake ass said "No Y/N I'm going to miss you!"
I hugged everyone and Wendy said "okay everyone let's take a picture!" Everyone got into the picture and it was the last time together.

Kenny McCormick x Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now