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Word count: 763

"Hey can we make breakfast?"
Kenny asked I nodded in agreement "what do you want to eat for breakfast Kenny?" Kenny thought about it for a while "Blueberry pancakes?" "Alright let's go make pancakes"

I went to the kitchen cupboard to look for pancake mix and saw it was empty "Oh, I'm sorry Kenny I haven't gone grocery shopping yet" Kenny pulled and expression of disappointment. "Hey how about I take you out for breakfast, my treat of course." Kenny looked happy and thanked me.
Before I left I changed out of my pajamas and put my coat on.

Me and Kenny decided to go to Denny's. We sat down at a table by the window it was colder by the windows but we didn't mind. "Order anything don't worry about the price Kenny." Kenny challenged that and ordered one of the most expensive things.
That hurt my wallet but it was fine.
I ordered the f/f (favorite food.

Kenny looked at my order. "Oh the f/f good choice Y/n" I smiled warmly
At the blonde man. We made small talk about how life was after I left, family and work. Eventually or food came Kenny stared at my plate while eating his drooling. "That looks good." Kenny muttered "Do you want to try some?" I offered. "Yes please!" Kenny said so I took a bit from my plate and gave him some.

Kenny licked his lips "yummy"
I stabbed it with my fork and when I went to shovel bit into my mouth Kenny grabbed my hand and ate my bite of food. I blushed being flustered from the sudden grab of the hand. "K-kenny!" Kenny giggled "I'm sorry Y/n" I giggled back "better be."

"So Y/N, do you have a significant other?" Kenny questions.
"No I dont when I told my last partner I was moving back to South Park they left me." Kenny looked down at his plate and replied with a simple "oh"
A few awkward seconds later Kenny asked "are you ready to get back into the dating world"
I giggled at Kenny "why are you interested" Kenny winked and said confidently, "Maybe".

I blushed but assumed he was joking.
To be honest I wasent ready to get back out there in the sea. I wasn't sad about the break up I just wasent ready yet. Kenny could tell I was uncomfortable and changed the subject "Hey, Bebe from school is throwing a party this Saturday, you should come" I looked at Kenny "well I'm not much of a party person Ken" Kenny didn't give up "come on it will be fun!" After some convincing I finally caved "Awesome I'll pick you up at 10 pm, look nice it's a formal party." I giggled and decided to tease Kenny.

"Are you sure it's a formal party or do you just want to show me off as your date" Kennys cheeks turned pink bit he was still confident as ever "both sweetheart" he leaned back in his chair and winked, as soon as he did the chair fell flat on the floor. I giggled and helped him up. "Are you okay Kenny?" He nodded.

I paid for our meal "Kenny I'm sorry but I'm going to have to drop you off at home now. I have to go turn in a job application." Kenny understood "it's okay Y/n, thanks for taking me out I had alot of fun" I gave him a thumbs up and got into the truck "where do you live?" Kenny gave me his address and I drove back to his house. Kenny gave me a quick hug before saying his goodbyes and went inside his home.

I drove to tweak bros coffee parked my car on the street and went inside. Tweek Tweak from school was there.
I greeted him at the counter the cafe was empty because it had just opened.
"Y-y/n L/n is that you? Gah!" TWEEK chirped. "Yes Tweek it is me" "can I get you today's special, Cherry Danish?" I declined "I came to submit my job application I hope I still can"
Tweek took my job application "sure when can you come for an interview?" Tweek Asked me
"I'm fine any day accept for Saturday at 10 pm" Tweek said a-alright how about Thursday at 5 pm?" Tweek twitched "yeah that's fine, goodbye Tweek!" "Bye y/n good to see you." "You too" I waved and walked out of the building and into my car.

Kenny McCormick x Nonbinary Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن