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Word count: 772

The next morning I woke up. Still upset about the loss of Kenny,
But today was the day I get to meet up with Wendy at Tweak bros coffee.
I checked the time, it was noon.
Oh god I have to meet up with Wendy in one hour! I wanted to get up a bit earlier so I'd have more time to unpack but I guess that I'll have to do it later. I arise from my grave, I grab my hairbrush and brush my h/l, h/c locks. I then brush my teeth and put on clothes that make me feel confident. I was going to have some cereal but I didn't I decided to eat at Tweak bros. I had to leave now or I'd be late to the cafe. It was a bit far. I got in my old truck and drove away. I took off down my road and when I finally arrived at Tweak bros I saw Wendy sitting inside already at a window seat. I went inside and I heard Wendy say "Y/N, over here!" Before I go sit by Wendy I see job applications. I pick one up and sit by Wendy "Hey Y/N how did packing go?"

I looked at tty well, I still have a bit more unpacking to do, And I still need a couch. Tweeks mother came over. "Hello, what can I get for you today."
Wendy ordered a vanilla bean coffee and I ordered f/d (favorite drink) and my breakfast food of choice. Wendy looked over at my order "Wow you have good taste Y/n." "Thanks Wendy" I smiled and Wendy asked "So why did you move back to Colorado?" I looked at my application and looked back to Wendy "Oklahoma wasent really for me, I did t get along with many people there." I dated and Wendy gave me a look of understanding. A few minutes later our drinks and food finally came. And I looked to Wendy "Hey Wendy? Do you remember when Kenny was crushed by the disco ball." Wendy looked confused at this.

"No...I don't what happened?" Wendy looked conserned.
"We were at a ice cream social and me and Kenny went dancing. We went under the spotlight while we danced but then..the disco balls string snapped and fall on Kenny. He died that day." Wendy looked shocked and covered her mouth with a hand "o-oh- god...no I don't remember that."
"But Wendy that isn't the strange part. The weird part is, I didn't remember until Kenny died yesterday." Wendy looked at me confused
"Are you fucking with me Y/N" I liked shocked that wendy swore "No I'm not fucking with you" "I'm sorry I just can't believe that Kenny died and came back to life" I looked a bit sad Wendy didn't believe me "I'll find a way to prove it one day. I promise." Wendy took a sip from her coffee "Bit what if you can't?" I really hope that I can and I looked up at Wendy with passion in my eye "Then I'll give up.." Wendy looked into my passion
filled eyes
"I admire your passion so much Y/N, I hope you can prove it."

he rest of the talk went better Wendy agreed to help me unpack and will ask Stan if he will help. I was finally home and I did some more unpacking. I finished up the bathroom today. It was now 3:30pm and I got a text from a unknown number

Anonymous: Thank you for saving me :)
I looked at the message I read it around 10 times before replying

Kenny? Is that you?
The anonymous number left me on read.

I screenshotted the chat and imeateatly texted Wendy

Y/n: Wendy, see Kenny came back!
I sent Wendy the screenshot

Wendy: Someone is definitely screwing with you Y/N, remember you were always so gullible

That was true I was really gullible

Wendy: and besides that you don't have this person's number if it was Kenny he would text you personally

Y/N: But I don't have Kenny's phone number

Wendy: Y/n, I don't know what to tell you but someone really is just messing with you.

I grumbled to myself and turned my phone off I decided to finally fill out the Tweak bros job application. Once I was done I hung it on my fridge. 
I always hang the things I dont want to loose on my fridge. I will turn in the application in the morning.

Kenny McCormick x Nonbinary ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now