Making Tea

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The water hasn't started boiling yet.

I'm surrounded by silence.

Am I in a Lavender Jasmine mood or
an English Breakfast mood?

There's a couple of eggs I can scrouge
for a small breakfast.

I don't feel hungry
enough to add a piece of fruit or toast.

I should, but I don't.

It's a good day right now. Let's go Lavender Jasmine.

Filling the tea infuser is a bit of an art.
Its perfume calms me.

I put in enough sweetener so as to not
compromise the tea's intricate notes and flavors.

The price for buying local.
I can hear the rolling bubbles, but no siren song.

I find a YouTube video for white noise.
Anything to not feel alone.

This is what you get for making tea with cold water

instead of starting with hot already.

Pardon me for wanting to see if there is truth in tea
tasting better when using cold water to start.

The water is ready.

It's poured into a novelty coffee mug.

Small clinks vibrate as I stir my concoction.
A taste test confirms my theory.

Some things are worth the wait, even
when you are alone.

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