Part 4

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Jungkook POV

While waiting for Jin, He opens his phone try to find the nicest place for their 2nd honeymoon.

He feels he owes it to his husband since their honeymoon was only being remember vividly. At that time they spend 2 days at the most prestigious hotel in town but not once they left the room to enjoy the facilities. After honeymoon He must left the town for the work and leave Jin behind.

At that time their both really busy with work, business trips and renovating new home. So they hardly have time for another honeymoon.

Then later after moving to new home all they did is spend time at home cuddling and get lazy on bed every weekend.

Jin once feels bored but I prefer to spend our quality time at home rather than spending time at malls like bunch of strangers.

Actually the main reason is I don't like spend time outside just because I don't like sharing Jinie with anyone.

My Jinie is so handsome and beautiful so whenever we go lots people tend to drooling over him all the time.

But I know I can't always keep him at home all the time so I have plan another surprise that I manage to keep it away from Jin.

Again this time my dear beloved best friends slash crime buddies reach out to help with the planning and all the work.

For the wedding party Jin knows all the arrangement only. As for the surprise honeymoon He had no idea.

However until now I still can't find the secluded place with beautiful view and great accommodation that suitable for our 2nd honeymoon.

When I heard the door sound I immediately put back my phone and waiting for Jin to join me.

"Why you not sleep yet baby?"

"I am waiting for you. Come here." I extend my hand and he reach it. He place himself next to me.

"You are such big baby. Why you always need to cuddle in."

"Well it's your fault. Cuddling you it's very comfortable."

No matter how annoying I was, Jin always understand and love me so much but sometimes I do feel I let him down with not amount of time to pamper him.

Silent come to both of them. They a sleep now.


Next morning another hectic day.

"Baby where are you? We need to go to work soon." Jungkook looking for Jin after done washing the dishes.

"Honey in the bathroom. I almost done."

Jin done brushing his teeth – He didn't notice that his fiance is sneaking up at his back and pulling him by the waist.

"Yaaa ... I told you I will be out in a minute why you come find me here."

"You know that I can't stay away from you."

He so done with his handsome possessive husband not sure why he become like this but all he knows after they got married he always stick around and no letting him go anywhere without him.

"Why you like this Kookie?"

"Being what? Don't understand your question babe." Jungkook play dumb again.

"Possessive. You know that I always here."

Jungkook smirk at Jin seeing how annoyed he is with his act. He enjoying every minute of this.

ANOTHER CHRISTMAS SURPRISE(Jinkook)Where stories live. Discover now