1. Now entering Sun Valley

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Kat's  POV

The songs invade my ears while the falling snow chills my skin. My cheeks turn red, My breathing gets shallow as I jump over a fallen trash bag. The snow plow passes me which makes  crumbled snow swirl into my hair. 

The song of my failed and tragic cure comes up by which flashbacks of my worst nightmare enter my mind...


"Please welcome our skating pro from Pinecrest Valley: Katarina Baker!" my name rings through the speakers as I enter the ring. My silver dress whirls around me while the cold atmosphere swallows me whole. 

"Go Kat!"

"Go get 'em"

Multiple cheering voices are heard from the stands as I position myself in the middle of the ring making me the center of attention.                                                                                                                               I intake some deep breaths to calm my nerves before the music stills the public...

I scan the crowd for that one person but to no avail... Focussing back on my program I start moving to the tune...

All people are silent only the music and blades on the ice can be heard. Letting the magic take me over, every other sound fades out of me. Only this... I zone out focusing on one thing... GOLD

Flawlessly taking my first jump going  for the next.

An upright spin makes me close my eyes for just a second letting the wind I create myself cool me down. As I go for my next jump, I lose my balance falling down right on... my head.

I slide further away on the slippery ice leaving some drops of blood oozing out of my head. People gasp as they had never expected me to fall. 

I disappointed them... 

The last thing I notice are paramedics surrounding me before my mind goes black.


I sit upright on the porch of my house. During the last meters I fell over slippery, loose snow. I frown as my memories once again took over my mind. My hands sting and when I look I see small scratches damaging  my smooth skin. Deciding to let it slip I stand upright, take my keys out of the pocket of my jacket and unlock the front door. I open the door entering the warm homey feeling. 

When I go inside the warm shower calls out my name begging me to step inside, so I do.

The material of the cords closing my sweater that warms up my skin. My eyes wander over my trophys displayed on some wooden planks I hung up loosely on the wall of my room. The blue towel that I had wrapped around my wet hair gets a spot  on the side of my bed. I bend over as I run my fingers through my hair to get rid of any remaining knots. When they end up in the middle of my head I stop. Feeling a deep line change the pattern of my scalp. Not letting it determine my mood for today I crack my toes on the carpet floor. Goosebumps erupt on my skin as a result from cold metal that belongs to my necklace touching my body.

"Serena up" I say entering my sisters room. A pillow gets thrown at my feet by her: "How are you so awake?!" she replies in a moody morning voice. I look  at her one more time before kicking the pillow aside, rolling my eyes and returning back to the kitchen. In the living room lays a sleeping woman. My mother to be exact. The TV is still  playing and empty beer bottles lay on the  table. I groan, turn off the TV, take the empty bottles and return to the kitchen before my sister sees her. 

My sister is finally presentable for her liking and sits down grumpy at the table. I shove a plate with breakfast to her side of the table. She pulls a weird face and says: "It's too early" shoving the plate aside. 

"Come here, Serena" a hair band goes around her beautiful blond curls. Which takes me a while to do so.  "Is it really that bad?" she says letting a laugh slip through her lips. "huh yeah it is" I tell her and we both burst out into a fit of laughter.

"How are my wonderful girls this morning" my hungover mother says as fake as humanly possible. "Serena why aren't you eating" eyebrows raised. Well there goes her wonderful facade.   "It's so early, if I eat I'm gonna puke". "Well what did Mitch say about eating enough protein?"

Mitch is Serena's new professional coach for this wonder baby according to mom. 

"Eat it" she says pushing some cooked eggs in her mouth with a stern look on her face.


"I hope you've been practicing your triple toe like we've promised Serena! Because I overheard Nancy to the moms yesterday and they said you're still wrapping!"

Serena looks at my mom with an unbelievable look.

"Show me"

I take in my pills looking at Serena with a sympathy glance. "Look I know Nancy can be a bitch but you got to stop doing that"

"Time to go" I tell Serena swinging my bag over my shoulder.

"Remember: a flying spin, a spin combo and don't even think about popping your double axel or a single one of those four double jumps!" Now it's pointed at me. "Yes I know the rules mom" I yell back before swinging my keys leaving the house. "Good because Liz isn't gonna be there tonight!". This makes me stop in my tracks.  "What do you mean?" Suddenly my voice sounds a lot less confident than just two seconds ago. "Well you don't need a coach for such simple test, plus it's not like you make any progress after your fall so it's pointless of paying you a coach!" Tears sprung into my eyes as I march back forward being fairly disappointed of this latest news.


As I'm tying my laces and stand up to stretch I see Justin Davis smirking, looking me up and down. Gross little man. I groan going to the rink. "What the fuck happened to you?" My best friend says. "Just Justin he was-" I got cut off "what hitting on you? Well maybe  you don't want it but I sure do. Talented, hot and rich! God I wish he'd want to fuck me." I groan "Please don't, my ears" I tell her laughing my ass off. "You know basic bitch is his third partner in three years. Gonna be out within weeks" I laugh at that he truly is an ass. "Are you saying you want to skate with him" well curiosity got the cat with me. "Pair skating?" She looks at me like I'm crazy. "No I will never let a man throw me five feet in the air go at such speed! That shits a death wish!" Then what the fuck is she hinting at? "You know she's banging him" she looks at me as if I didn't know that. "No shit Sherlock" I say playfully rolling my eyes.

"So is your hip healing?" I ask genuily worried about her. She pulls down her pants a little showing me her badly bruised hip. "It's fine, I got a whole season of watching stranger things"

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