3. overthinking

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My phone started buzzing just when I started falling asleep. And I am pissed since it took me a while to do so in a car! When I opened one eye I saw Serena's name pop up. "Yes" I say yawning. "Kat, mom is going crazy again. She told me I have to do thirty laps around the block if I want to go WK" She's panicking, I hear it in her voice."I'm on my way Serena be careful for your wrists" I turn my ignition on going home in record time.



I hear whimpers of pain en grunts knowing it is Serena I sprint through the back door over to where I see mom watering the plants and Serena doing push ups while tears drop onto the floor with layers of sweat covering her body.

"MOM what the heck are you doing!" I yell wanting her attention. "I'm resigning from the airport tomorrow. Just so I can focus on Serena without those nightshifts"

"You stopped taking your meds" is all I can say at this situation.

"How dare you" She whispers so close to my face that I can feel her hot breath fanning me.

"After all I've sacrificed! If I haven't gotten pregnant with you I could've gone to the olympics! There's not a day I don't think about that!"

My face remains completely blank. Void of any emotion. I refuse to bow for her. She does not have the right to do this shit!

"I know mom but calm down" I stay as calm as possible.

"Leave me alone!" her hair is matted as if it hasn't been brushed in days. Her eyes look dull and her skin pale. She's not healthy. I try to take her hands again to calm her down but to no avail.

"I said- LEAVE ME ALONE!" and then she does something I never expected her to go that low.

She just slapped me.

My hand goes to my now burning cheek. My body doesn't cooperate with my mind. I want to scream, I want to cry, kick, yell but nothing comes out.

"Look!" I yell. "Look at what you're doing to her!" one single tear leaves my eye. "Look at her mom" my voice breaks at the end not being able to hold up my strong facade. "You're not healthy right now!" Tears spring to Carol's eyes, she frowns before taking a step back. "Mom, you're hurting her! Do you hear me?"

"Yes" is al she manages to bring over her lips. "I'm gonna take your lithium. You're gonna take it while I watch" she's ashamed of herself. I can see it in her eyes, they wander everywhere but me and Serena. After that I run to Serena who still lays down in the cold winter snow. Shivering, sweating, crying. "Are you okay?" I squat before her so I'm at the same eye level as her. "I think I sprained my wrist again" I try to make her calm down but it's hard because I, myself am not calm either. Because inside I'm panicking myself. "Go inside, put some ice on it. Take a shower and go to bed. I'll call dr. Parker in the morning" She nods hurrying inside.

"I'm sorry" my mom keeps saying over and over again.

"Me to" I say pushing her inside.


Meanwhile the sun is already rising so I hurry off to work after I checked by on Serena. I check in and hurry to the kitchen where Marcus must be. "Hey" he says "You look tired". "Well thanks mister, you look great as well" he starts to laugh which is actually kinda cute tho.

"I'm gonna give you a piece of advice. Keep it simple. Whatever you seem to be doing seems way to complicated"

"It's about to be way less complicated tho" I say picking a carrot of off the table. "And why would that be?"

"Because I quit skating" I take another bite, he looks at me like I'm crazy.


"Like I said, to make life less complicated"

"No but really, why?"

"I failed my senior test last night and the next one is only within six months. But I can't afford to wait that long so I have to quit" I shrug not really knowing how to deal with this whole situation. "...and I'm thinking about moving to London with Dave-" I got cut off real fast "No"

"I mean... I don't think you should" what's up with him acting all strange. "Why?" curiosity gets the cat you know what I mean.

"Looks like the owners are here" Speaking of changing the topic Marcus boy. "They're in your section, so you should go serve them"

I groan "Great"

As I walk towards them big boss boy calls out. "Katarina Baker, I heard you were working today. How are you doing sweetheart?" I put on my biggest fake smile as possible. "I'm good. Thanks. What can I get you guys?"

"Dasha told me that you might be my son's new partner" Yeah you're right,Justin's family are the owners. Great right?

"Oh did she? Well actually I quit" A little awkward giggle escapes my mouth. Justin gives me one of these looks, one of sympathy almost. "Well listen I know money is a little tight right now so I'd like to help with that" How dare he calling me out like that. "Just thinking. Instead of taking drink orders from my guests, I'd be paying you to do what you love. Either way, the money is coming from the same place" he's an ass. "She has heard you honey. Give her some time to think" his wife says. Yes go queen! "Just imagine how it would be being partners with someone with olympic sized talent" He really is an ass...

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