A tad bit intoxicated

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Featuring black-haired Anastacius with jewelled blue eyes. 

  "Do you handle your alcohol well, Miss Myra?" Anastacius asked while opening the bottle of red wine up with a wine opener before pouring the drink into a tall glass for himself. He let the other wine glass be empty for the time being, waiting for the young lady's answer. "You seem to be nervous for some reason now."

  "I do?" Myra smiled before letting out a short chuckle. Though it was clear from the expression she made that she was a bit concerned about something. "Ah... I suppose I am a bit of a lightweight."

  "Is that so?" Anastacius mumbled, sitting on the empty space beside his significant other on the sofa. While he swirled the glass in his hand around, he used his free hand to loosen the white tie he wore. Prior to this, they went on a short visit to the fancy bar in the building he and the others stayed at for the time being. The bar was a floor above the dining area and it was occasionally frequented by Myra and her fellow colleagues and friends who were also staying in this building. "So you don't drink much?"

  "Not really," Myra answered, pushing back some of her brown hair that was resting on her shoulders. It was not common to see her wearing a dress, let alone a backless black one. So Anastacius was taking her appearance in entirely, staring at her adoringly most of the time. It was beginning to embarrass her. "I mean, I do have one or two drinks with my friends but apparently I'm one uncontrollable person when I'm drunk."

  Anastacius chuckled. "I find that hard to believe, to be honest," he said.

  "That's what my friends tell me." Myra smiled. "So I have to be extra careful with the amount of alcohol I'm drinking... I have a feeling that you might not like it if I do end up getting drunk in front of you, Sir Anastacius."

  "Oh, really now? I have to see you drunk first to make that kind of judgement," Anastacius glanced over at the empty wine glass on the coffee table. "... How about you just have one glass for tonight? It's fine if you want to say no, though. I won't force you."

  ... It had been months since she last had wine...

  "Promise me you won't get weirded out if I end up too drunk from this one glass?" Myra asked in uncertainty, looking up at the man with a worried look on her face.

  "Why would I even be weirded out? It's normal to get drunk, isn't it?"

  Myra just smiled weakly at him. Then, she picked up the empty wine glass. "Mind pouring some wine in my glass then, Sir Anastacius?"

  After he poured the wine into her glass until it was full, she looked at the dark red liquid, wondering if she might regret drinking one glass tonight in the future once she sobered up the morning after. Well, there was only one way to find out.

  "Don't worry about getting too drunk, Miss Myra," Anastacius reassured her while smiling warmly. He pressed the rim of his wine glass to his lips. "Just know that I am here and I'm more than prepared to stop you from embarrassing yourself when you're in your drunken state."

  Myra wanted to laugh at him. "What a gentleman," she commented before taking a small sip of wine. She was never really able to get used to the strong taste of red wine in particular. "... It does have a strong sweet taste," she muttered after taking a couple more sips.

  Anastacius scooted closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling Myra towards him. He leaned back on the sofa and let her head rest on his chest. "Not a fan of red wine?" he asked while twirling strands of her hair around with his index finger.

  "Hmm, not exactly," she confessed in a tired-sounding voice, taking another sip of wine. "I don't really drink much due to my low alcohol tolerance so I don't really have any preferences... But perhaps any alcoholic drink tastes good if I'm drinking it with you," she mumbled that last part before drinking a larger amount of wine. Her face was beginning to look more flushed.

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