Who do you like more? (Fluff ver.)

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This was supposed to be smut but in the end, it turned into something fluffy... I might post an NSFW continuation of this in the near future if you guys want.

  "Miss Myra, who do you like more? My father or Uncle Roger?"

  Myra almost spat out the coffee she was drinking when she heard Jennette's sudden question. "L-Lady Jennette, why are you suddenly asking me this so early in the morning?" she managed to sputter while carefully placing the coffee mug on the table.

  The dining area of the building they were staying at during the duration of Jennette and the others reacting to 'Who Made me a Princess' was filled with small chatter as most of the cast talked to one another. Claude, Felix, Lily and Diana had formed their own little group to discuss what will happen in the next chapter they'd be reacting to and even Ijekiel and Lucas had a table all to themselves as they tasted the waffles drizzled with their favourite toppings which they had gotten from the buffet table.

  The only people who hadn't arrived yet were Anastacius and Roger.

  Jennette had asked Myra if she could sit with her since she didn't want the older woman to feel alone as she ate her omurice quietly. Usually, either Anastacius or Roger or even both of them would sit at the same table as Myra so it was weird that the men were nowhere to be seen.

  "O-Oh, am I being too straightforward?" Jennette asked with a troubled expression. "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable with my question, Miss Myra!"

  "There's no need for you to apologise, Lady Jennette. Don't worry." Myra smiled politely at the girl. "You just caught me off guard, that's all. It's not every day for me to get asked something like that. Is there a reason why you were asking me that in the first place?"

  Jennette just hummed before taking a small sip of tea that had been mixed in with three teaspoons of sugar. "Well... I couldn't help but notice that out of all the people in this building, you seem to be closest with my father and Uncle Roger," she began to explain. "I know that father likes you a lot and even Uncle Roger seems to enjoy your company. But I just wanted to know who you like more between the two, that's all."

  Was that really all there was to it?

  "What... You want to know if I like Sir Anastacius or Sir Roger more?" Myra rephrased the girl's question. 

  Jennette was acting like a child who wanted to hear more about how her parents met. She leaned forward with her elbows on the table, her jewelled blue eyes sparkling like jewels. "Mm-hm!"

  From the corner of her eye, Myra could see Felix going for a second round of pancakes since he was making a beeline to the buffet table. Her attention returned to Jennette who was waiting for her to answer. "What I... think of Sir Roger and Sir Anastacius..."

  On one hand, Anastacius was the first man Myra felt some kind of attraction to since she broke up with her ex months ago. Of course, Anastacius was incredibly attractive but there were other things that made her fall in love with the guy. It was embarrassing for her to say it out loud, but one of the things she liked most about him was that he was willing and trying to change into a better person for his daughter's sake. And when he's not possessed by his ancestor, Anastacius was a nice and caring gentleman to her. The simple gestures he showed to her, from allowing her to sleep on his shoulder or even letting her wrap her finder around his made her heart flutter.

  Then there was Roger Alpheus. Their first meeting was interesting, to say the least. It's not every day for someone like him to end up catching a stranger who was falling way high up in the air in his own garden of all places. During the time they spent together in Hawaii as she let him react to the princess' life at his own pace, she knew that Roger was a good man, albeit a tad bit too ambitious to the point he was willing to use Jennette as a political tool. She knew that he genuinely cared for the girl just from listening to the way he talked about her and his own son. A man who loved his children but rarely showed it to them. That was how Myra described him. Just like Anastacius, Roger also was a gentleman to her. There were times when he'd shield her from people when he sensed someone was stealing glances at her when they were going out of the resort. She thought it was cute when he told her in a soft voice to be near him at all times at one point because they were taking a walk together.

Three is a crowd // WMMAP one-shotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora