Section 7: Psychology

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The part of their biology that houses their personality, memories and experiences is the brain stem.

However, the entire upper halves of both brains are responsible for morality, empathy, emotion, reasoning and conscience.

These portions of their brains work together in synchrony and it's through this synchronized harmony that allows them to develop and use their psionic abilities. Elemental and spatial abilities go beyond even this and Lynark Savants are the only ones that are capable of developing to this level.

Their sense of identity is so profoundly rooted to their psych that any disruption can mean the loss of their psionic abilities and identity.

Should this happen, the Lynark's brains cease functioning entirely after about two months.

After they die, their body burns or explodes from the energy stored within them and they regrow a new bod and brain, completely resetting everything except for the experience of what they went through. An experience they live with for the rest of their lives.

Because they never permanently die, they have to willfully give up on living in order not to grow a new body.

When this happens, their brain stem shuts down indefinitely.

A lot of their personal beliefs stem from either genetic ancestral memory or having witnessed an event using their psychic residual awareness and residual memory.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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