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{September 1993}Fifth year

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{September 1993}
Fifth year

"I see you finally bought the right gloves." Hope fake smiled when she saw her captain come down the stairs sliding on his quidditch gloves.

"Oh yes." Charlie smirked. "They're perfect, Hope." He glanced down at the gloves. When the girl didn't say anything back, Charlie looked up to see her crumbling a piece of parchment and tossing it into the fireplace. Hope was still angry, this he knew but he still doesn't understand why she's making a big deal out of it.

"I guess I needed -" He cut himself off when Hope glanced up at him. He immediately froze and nearly lost his breath. The light from the burning fire danced on her skin and her eyes looked almost like a amber color. She looked beautiful and he was afraid to even admit that. "See you at practice." He quickly marched out of the common room.

"Idiot." Hope muttered.

As soon the door to the common room was shut. Hope quickly picked up her quill and attempted to write to her mother again. After her talk with Professor Lupin the previous night, she had stayed up wondering what she wanted to ask her mother. At this point, she just wants to know who her father is. She wants to get to know him, to have him in her life. To have that special bond with him, but she doesn't know how she should even phrase it.

"Hope, you ready?"

"Yes." Hope quickly stuffed the letter into her bookbag before she gathered the rest of her belongings.

"Writing to aunt Ras?" Angelina asked when she saw the letter get stuffed into the bookbag.


"How is she? Has she had the baby?" The dark skinned girl asked. "Oh I hope she has little girl."

"No, she hasn't." Was all Hope responded as she smiled over at the girl. "Everyone thinks she's going to have a boy. Even aunt Melina and she's never wrong."

"I'm so excited for her. My sister hasn't shut up about it. She wrote me actually. Said she was going to take a week off work to help your mother when the baby is born."

"That's so nice of her. Merlin I haven't seen her in months, I hope she is well."

"She is, I didn't see her much this summer, but she did visit me on my birthday. Anyway, we should hurry before that gormless prat starts yelling." Hope rolled her eyes, making Angelina laugh.

By the time Charlie Weasley managed to show up to practice, after taking a long detour, everyone on the team was already there. All of them were up in air going over some of their past plays. Though he quickly frowned looking for the familiar brunette.

"Where is Hope?" He quickly flew up towards his best mate who had taken over practices while he had been out.

"On the stands. She can't play until her final detention, remember?" Oliver Wood responded making the red head look behind him. Sure enough, there was Hope. Charlie couldn't help but admire her passion as she yelled and suggested different techniques. He wasn't surprised by the fact that she still wasn't allowed to play, but more on the fact that she still managed to show up to practice. Merlin knows he wouldn't waste his time showing up...mostly because he didn't the entire time he was out. Deep down he knows she's more passionate than he is and he was okay with this.

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