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November 1993

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November 1993

With the weather changing drastically, practice was getting harder and harder for Hope and quite frankly, she did not have the energy to go to practice today. She has already been using her free time to rest. Not to mention she had a game coming up in a few days against Scandinavia. Hope was nervous and stressed about it, but her captain, Troy assured her it was an easy win.

The Irish team spent most of their morning stretching, doing some standard muggle drills and a ten mile run.

Hope was exhausted, but she knew what she had gotten herself into. She wanted this badly.

"You alright, Hope?" Troy came to her aide when she was vomiting on the side of the pitch.

"Brilliant." She smiled as she stood up straight and threw her hands above her head just to be able to catch her breath. "I can run another five miles."

Troy only smiled at her enthusiasm, but he knew she was doing her best to stay on the team. "I promise it will get easier. Coach only gets like this with the first game, because it lets everyone know how the season will go."

"Yeah." Hope breathed heavily. "I understand."

"Come." Troy wrapped an arm around her shoulder as he dragged her along. "It's lunch time and when we come back, I promise practice will be much easier."

"I don't think I can eat right now."

"I know you feel like shit and that you are going to vomit again if you eat, but I promise it will actually make you feel better. I'm talking from experience, ask anyone."

"We'll see." Hope grumbled at the thought.

By the time practice was over, Hope was way over all the guys who were constantly chanting just to hype themselves up. In the beginning it was understandable, funny too, but after it was done hundreds of times, she was annoyed. She was constantly looking over at Connolly, the eldest team member who was in their early thirties, and Mullet who was the only other female. They too were annoyed and were often rolling their eyes.

This is why Hope got along with them.


"Hi, Hope."

The girl looked up from her work to see Harry Potter standing over her. "Harry, what are you doing in detention?"

"Snape." He responded very annoyed that Hope couldn't help but smile.

"You know, he isn't that bad. Just do as he says and don't talk back."

"Easier said than done." Hope couldn't help but laugh at his response, but she stopped when she found Archie walking into detention, taking a seat on the left side of the classroom. Far away from her. He was still not speaking to her and all she wanted to do was find out why. It had been bothering her for days but she had already promised herself she would not be the one chase him.

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