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{November 1993}Fifth year

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{November 1993}
Fifth year

Hope didn't expect for things to go by so smoothly when she returned, but they did.

Charlie kept insisting she take her spot back on the team, but that would mean Archie would be moved to an alternate with Alicia. Though he says he would not care, Hope can see that he would and she didn't want to take this opportunity from after he's waited for years. Especially now that his practices are going longer and harder. Not to mention if he were to take the alternate spot he would have to practice for every position which meant his practices would be doubled. This would also mean less time with Hope. And when Hope suggested she'll continue training him as a chaser, Charlie denied it and said he would. That she should focus on the girls.

"Maybe you should take a hot shower, that should help your sore muscles." Hope Suggested that evening when she saw Archie making his way down the steps.

"It doesn't." Archer responded as he slowly and carefully made his way towards the couch Hope was sitting on in the common room. He slowly went to lay down with his head resting on Hope's lap. "I did drink some tea, before I showered, so I'm hoping it helps me relax."

"Then go to bed before you fall asleep on me." Hope laughed.

Her hands were resting on his forehead, her thumb running up and down his nose, and when she realized this she stopped only for Archie to tell her to continue which she did because he asked. But she was distracted and it was taking everything in her to not run her fingers through his thick curls. That was all she could think about, especially since his hair was still a bit damp.

"I promise I will not fall asleep." Archer softly chuckled with his eyes slowly closing. "I just want to relax and listen to you talk about your day." And he did for a couple of seconds until he felt Hopes hand move away from his forehead. He opened his his eyes to find that Hope had been starring at him and he couldn't help but blush. "What?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just surprised. Is all."

"Oh." Archer mumbled. "Should I have not said that?" He asked nervously. Was that for actual couples? Because if it is, he does not care. All he wants is to listen to her, be with her, and learn more about her.

He's in it deep.

"No. I actually like that. Nobody ever asks me about my day, I was just surprised. But it was good. I'm glad to be back on the team, even if I'm just training."

"Me too." Archie agreed once again shutting his eyes. "I just hate that Charlie is cockblocking."

Hope nervously laughed. As funny as it was that Archie knew, so did Hope. She was not oblivious. She has felt the tension since her first day back, and she doesn't know what to do about it.

"And the twins are helping him." He added.

"They are?"

"Yeah, i wouldn't be surprised if they had a bet going."

"I wouldn't put it past them." Hope agreed.

"Can I hold your hand again?" Archer asked. Hope blushed, which meant she had to look away from him, but nevertheless, Archer knew she was smiling. When she finally looked back down at him and nodded, Archer quickly reached for her hand and let it rest on his chest. "Thank you, Hope." He whispered.

Hope went red.

When his eyes shut again rambling about who knows what, Hope went back to admiring him. He looked so peaceful, so soft and warm. His chipmunk cheeks puffier than usual. She did not want to disturb him in any way, but she herself has to wake up early to go to practice in the morning.

"Archie?" Nothing. "Archie?"

Hope felt bad. He had been walking in pain since Mondays practice, practically limping. She couldn't wake him up. She wouldn't wake him up. So she stayed put. She stayed holding his hand. She stayed there and closed her own eyes.

Charlie Weasley was not impressed. He was fuming. When he had came down the stairs and found Hope sleeping , he thought he could have a nice chat with her before she took off, but he didn't expect Archer to be there. He didn't expect for him to be laying on her lap and he sure as hell did not like the sight of the two holding hands.

"Hope." He walked over and tapped her shoulder. "Hope?" Nothing.

He then leaned over Archer's body 'accidently' kneeing him in the ribcage while he gave Hope a quick shake. When Archie groaned and woke from the pain, Charlie took that as his que to step back.

"I'm sorry, mate." Charlie apologized. " Hope has to leave soon."

"It's fine." He accepted the apology while he attempted to rub the pain away. Meanwhile he sat up and scooted closer to Hope, waking her up and in no way doing what Charlie just did to him.

When Hope finally did wake, she mumbled a quick good morning and then shut her eyes once again, but they quickly reopened when she remembered the events from last night. And not to mention, Charlie was standing there with his arms crossed.

"What time is it?" She asked in panic.

"Almost 6:15." Charlie responded before Archer could. "You should hurry before you are late."

"Right. Thanks." She sent a tired smile to Charlie before she looked back at Archie. "See you at breakfast?"

"I'll be there." He promised. "Go get dressed."

With that being said, Hope hurried up to the dorms while Archie stayed behind keeping his eyes locked on Charlie who was nearly glaring at him. Although he had plenty to say, he didn't because he did not want to jeopardize his position on the team. Charlie always reminded everyone that they were replaceable.

"Do you fancy Hope?" Charlie asked.

"I do." Archer nodded. "I really do. Why do you care?"

Archer Williams is anything but oblivious. Especially when it comes to Hope. He knows Charlie Weasley also fancies Hope. He knows the two have done nothing but fight since they came back to Hogwarts. Charlie Weasley had never given Hope the time of day and now suddenly he was ruining his chances with the girl. He was not okay with this.

"I don't. I just don't want to see Hope get hurt."

Archer chuckled. "You think I'm going to hurt her?"

"I think you are up to something. She was never on your radar until she joined joined the Irish league. And now, you are only bringing her down. Especially since she refuses to join the team because she's worried about taking your place. You are ruining her chances at being the greatest she can be."

Archer didn't have much to say when Charlie left.

By the time Hope was showered and dressed, she waited for Archie in the great hall only to be disappointed when he didn't show up. Angelina tried to reason that something may have come up but something felt off. Archer never not sat with Hope since she rejoined the team. In fact, he insisted he would always sit with her so for him to not show up after he told her he would kind of hurt Hope. She knows that they are not dating but there is something there. That she knows for sure.

"Who you looking for?" Charlie slid into the seat next to the girl.

"Archer." She responded.

"I just saw, Archie." Charlie responded. "He is sitting down there with Lucy O'Neil."

Taking in his words, Hope stood up to leave early just to see if Charlie was lying. He wasn't. When Hope walked closer to the end of the table, she found him sitting next to Lucy and his friends. When she scoffed and walked away, Archer did not follow after her. Charlie was right. He was ruining her chances. That is why he made the decision to take the alternate decision and give her her spot back. He was going to leave her alone.

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