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{October 1993}Fifth year

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{October 1993}
Fifth year

By the time breakfast was over and Hope was in potions class, she did her best to ignore the whispers. She moved on from it, pretended it didn't bother her and she made it through. Most of her house mates quickly forgot about the whole thing when the Weasley twins continued to be seen with the girl. Everything was fine. That is until Professor McGonagall came into the great hall during lunch and the whispering began again. Everyone assumed it was because of the Sirius Black situation.

"Professor, what's going on?" Hope asked right after she was told she was needed in Dumbledore's office.

"Your father is here." She responded.

"My father. Is my mother hurt? Did she have the baby?" Hope asked growing worried by the second.

"Miss. Black, please clam down. I am just the messenger."

"Sorry, Professor."

By the time the two arrived up to the office, sure enough there stood Henry Macmillan with a smile on his face and his hands behind his back doing what he always does, Pretending to not be impatient.

"Dad? What's wrong? Is it mom? Did she have the baby? Is she okay?"

"No, no, no." He shook his head. "Hope, you're mother is perfectly fine. She's with your brother right now. Something about signing paperwork at the Irish National Quidditch office with coach Jack Kingsley."

"Shut up!" Hopes eyes grew as she attempted to hold in a squeal. "Did I- I got in?" She asked. The moment Henry smiled and brought his hands forward showing her the Irish green jersey with her surname labeled on the back, Hope couldn't help but jump in excitement.

"I got in!" She was hugging her father tightly.

"You got in my love." Henry smiled and held her just as tight. "You got in."

Henry MacMillan couldn't be any prouder of his daughter. Every summer, he himself had stayed up almost every night just to help her practice. Since day one he was there. Not to mention that he's had to also make the trips to St. Mungos with her every time she broke a bone or simply got hurt. Henry would do anything for his children.

"Professor Dumbledore, thank you for excusing her for the rest of the week. She will be back Sunday afternoon."

"Yes, yes." Dumbledore nodded. "Congratulations Miss Black. I do hope that you make your country proud and your fellow peers even prouder." He sent her a very small smile.

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