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October 1993Fifth year

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

October 1993
Fifth year

The following morning when Hope woke up, she felt the tension in the cold air.

Although she knew better, Angelina kept assuring her Charlie would change his mind and let her come back. He had to. There was no way he would allow Gryffindor to loose the next game, but Hope knew better and she really did not want to argue about it right now. So she just nodded, agreeing with her friends words.

"Whatever happens, just know I'll be at your side." Angelina promised her friend, which Hope greatly appreciated.

"Thank you." Hope looked down at her hands, quickly muttering a profanity when she realized she forgot her robes. "But, I think it's best if you stay away from me. I just don't want Charlie treating you differently when he sees you talking to me. I know he will."

"Thank you for caring about me, Hope, but I can handle Charlie Weasley the same way I can handle Fred." At the girls words, Hope couldn't help but send the girl a smirk.

"Still too oblivious?"

"Very." Angelina tried not to roll her eyes at the mere thought of the twin. "Perhaps I should just move on."

"I would, there are plenty of fish in the sea." Hope side eyed the girl hoping to see her reaction, which was a simple chuckle. Hope found it rather funny that Fred was easily controlled by Angelina. She could pretend to be angry and he would do anything to have her talking to him, but for some reason, he couldn't process the fact that she was constantly flirting. It was that or he simply did not care.

"Okay, Hope. Enough wasting time, it's now or never." Angelina clapped her hands and moved quickly behind Hope. She began pushing her by the shoulders towards the great hall. Once she saw that Hope was actually moving and not trying to stop her, she moved beside the girl.

"I'm just going to go in and sit. I'm not going to look anyone in the eye. Especially that tosser." Breakfast was Hope's favorite part of the day, especially because it was an excuse to be able to eat all the toast she wanted and nobody could tell her anything. Not even Charlie Weasley was going to ruin that for her.

"As you should." Angelina agreed and let Hope lead her in.

As soon as the two walked in, the clapping began. Everyone had been expecting Hope's arrival that morning. Hope didn't understand what was going on. Out of instinct, she assumed the twins had pulled another prank so she was looking for them, but the chanting of her name began and took her by surprise, she was frowning in confusion. Student were standing on the benches and shouting, clapping loudly and proudly with the exception to a few student from the house of Slytherin.

"What in Merlin's name is going on?" Angelina asked the nearest person which happened to be the golden trio.

"You're on the cover of the Daily Prophet!" Ron Weasley shouted excitedly at Hope.

Inimicus- Charlie WeasleyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ