one .° •

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I feel like I've been walking for hours.

These bags get heavier and heavier with every step. I have two backpacks and one tote bag, one backpack is full of food, the other being other essentials. My tote bag has personal belongings in it, stuff I just can't part with. I am so cold, the tips of my fingers on my left hand are a purple colour from where I'm holding my cats leash. Lolah tends to run off, I found a leash for a small dog a few years back and it seems to fit her just fine, though she is a bit bigger now. Jax doesn't need a leash, he tends to walk beside me and doesn't run off.

I can feel his body meet my leg every so often, accidentally bumping into me, His dark fur can be seem on my grey joggers. Thank god I brought these with me though, I'd be freezing in just leggings. I have a dark brown cropped spaghetti-strap like top on under a grey t-shirt, with a f/c jumper over that. I have a beige, almost brown jacket on over that, it has loads of pockets and is quite big on me as it is a mens jacket. I have black fingerless gloves on with white arm warmers that sit under my jumper, my rings under the gloves nag at the fine fibers. I notice my nail polish is chipping as I lift my free hand to adjust my earphones, I have an ipod that shuffles the same 93 songs (don't ask how it charges bc I don't have answers u can figure it out of ur own). I look down at the floor as I walk, noticing how dirty my white leg warmers that sit over the edge of my boots and the ends of my joggers are, specs of dirt scattered all over.

I have been making my way through a city for a few days now, all I've seen are tall grey buildings that tower over me. I'm slowly making my way out of the city though, finding more houses and streets that are more rural. As I make my way through this small neighbourhood, I notice a chemist just nearing the end of this street. As I make my way over I notice how dark its getting, the sky turning pink and orange with fluffy clouds slowly moving past.

I get to the entrance of the chemist, the shutters are half open. I slide it up fully, a horrid screeching noise assaults my ears. I open the door and make my way in, grabbing the gun in my pocket as I do (idk anything about guns so). Jax runs in and starts to look around, excited barks escaping him as he does. "Shh jax, come here!" I whisper yell, gaining his attention. He makes his way over and looks up at me, panting. I whisper a 'good boy' and make my way further in. I begin the look through the shelves, taking my bag off and shoveling various items in it. It was mainly gauze and plasters, I noticed blood lining the edge of the shelf I lowered myself to. I make my way behind the counter where I find painkillers, multiple packs of them at that, who would leave all of these? I couldn't help but scoff.

I stand up and begin to put them in my bag, an uneasy feeling crawling up my spine. I feel like I'm being watched almost. I start to hear a low growl coming from jax, I look up at him in confusion and notice he's staring at the empty room behind me. All I see is darkness, the door swings both ways but is slightly open into the smaller, darker room. I look into it intensly, I feel like I'm being watched back. "Hello?" I call out, clutching the gun in my hand, lolahs leash still being in my other. No one answered, I turn to jax "see? There's no one-" before I can finished a low, groaning noise interrupts me. I turn back and flinch at the loud bang on the door flinging open and hitting the wall. A zombie runs out at me, low bellowing groans escaping it's rotting mouth as it grabs me. It pushes me into the counter, my lower back and tailbone being pushed into its edge. "Fuck!" I yelled as I let go of both my gun and lolahs leash, the zombies groaned loudly and was slowly pushing me down, my back grinding against the counters edge as we move down. I can hear jax barking as I hold it back with my hands on its head, my head turned away, eyes closed ad mouth completely shut as to avoid the discharge flying from its mouth into my own. My now free left hand quickly reaches down to my pocket, grabbing my knife. Though as I do so the the zombie pushes my shoulder back into the counters shelves, items falling to the ground at the impact. I yell in pain, a tight strain pulling on my shoulder. I push past it, various offensive words leave my mouth as I push my blade into the skull of the zombie, its groans straining out into silence. Deep breathes of the cold air assault my lungs as I calm down, ripping the blade out as i do so, feeling the mushy, rotten flesh tear under the blade.

unfortunate circumstances (dream x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora