two .° •

89 3 3

TW- needles


I blink my eyes open, a small stream of light hitting my face as I do.

I turn my head to examine my surroundings, which I now realise is a poor idea as I sharply suck air in through my teeth. Pangs of pain assault my left shoulder and back. I slowly try to look around again, I'm in a bedroom?

I look down at myself, my jacket and jumper are gone as well as my joggers. Instead I'm wearing a pair of grey shorts I had in my backpack, what?

There's dried blood all over my legs and hands, though the source of the blood is fairly clean. There's a fairly clean bandage covering my wound, though bruising is still visible despite the size of the gauze.

Knots of anxiety build in the pit of my stomach as look around more, my current situation now sinking in. I attempt to look to my right, my left shoulder straining as I do. There's bedside table next to me, covered in dust. There's a glass of water there, my brows knit together in suspicion.

I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly as I pull myself up. I manage to sit on the edge of the bed, a sigh passing my lips. I reach for the glass, pain pulsing through me as I do.

I sniff the drink lightly before taking a sip, not really caring what's in it. Why would they go through all this effort just to poison me? I huff a laugh mid drink, finishing it moments after.

There's a mirror to the left of the room and a door to the right, I sigh as I try to stand, using the bed frame as support as I go along. Despite feeling cold, my skin is warm to the touch.

I make it to the mirror, looking myself up and down. I look like shit, I can't help but think. Bruises and cuts are visible on my face, god knows where from. My hair is messy as well, matted blood visible. There's a brush on the dresser next to the mirror, I grab it and slowly brush my hair, little pieces of dried blood falling to the floor as I do.

As I finish I put my hair in a bobble I had on my wrist, its pretty worn out but will have to do. I can barely lift my left arm. I lift my shirt to examine my damaged body, deep bruises covering almost all of it. I turn to examine the back, still holding my shirt up. My lower back had one big bruise that goes all across the bottom of my back, smaller lines of bruies scattered across the rest of it, probably from where I was thrashed into the small shelves of the counter.

My shoulder is just as bad, if not worse. A large, deep, purple, almost black bruise sits right on my shoulder blade. I wince at the sight. I bite my lip as I lower my top, my brows turning upwards as I do.

Well, what do I do now?

My bags aren't in this room, nor are jax and lolah. My anxiety builds again, lolah ran off last night. My brows knit together in thought as I look out of a window, rows of all sorts of vegetables are visible as well as a chicken coop.

I use the window sil as support as I walk down the length of the room, opening various drawers as I go. I don't find anything though, a sigh for each empty drawer I open. I find myself at the door, reaching for that empty glass as I go, hoping to bring it to some sort of kitchen.

I turn the handle of the door and slowly open it, a dark, silent corridor in front of me as I do. I begin to step out, the wooden floor under me creaking as I step. I wince at the sound, halting all movement. I wait for the indication that anyone heard but alas, nothing.

I carry on walking, making my way to the top of the stairs. I bite my lip as I look down, wooden stairs and socks don't mix and I low-key fear for my life.

unfortunate circumstances (dream x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin