Chapter 1

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A man drove about a thin almost slender piece of road as the moon laid it's rays among the pitch black sky. He felt the alcohol in his mind and veins as it seeped through. The mind soon was taken over by the drunken stupor that the alcohol provided him with. But this did not stop him from drinking for he had one ale about his hand and the other laid in the seat next to him. despite his hand bein

g clutched to a bottle of ale he still had a some what handle on the steering wheel and gas with his foot.

He kept on with his both his limbs at bay under large amounts of wood and leaves. The road had quite an amount of shade on it for to see the other side is a wonder. a wonder that he could not possess on this fellow night.His wonder that he had about the mind was a large amount of ale in his stomach and a large amount nauseas vision. With his nauseas vision he could see nothing but a mere vision of the road and brown shade vailing across with efforts.

He kept about until out of the side of his vision he saw the road curve with a sharp turn like the blade of a sword built for piercing. He took the turn with much deterrence and almost slid off the road but just when he missed the ground with the turn, he felt a tingling up his back, he kept it's feeling for awhile. As he went on it got worse and finally with his quick hand movements , he lost control of the car and it's black presence flew off the road and flipped over itself. the car was now no more but a few sheets of flimsy metal and some stripsof rubber.

He sat there with himself in shock with his face almost smashed against the ceiling. He let go his seat belt and let himself fly. He fell to the ground with an almost quiet thump of his body hitting the top panel of the car. he felt his thigh to give a bit of a rub but then noticed a large light. the light gave most killing stare as if it was an eye with it's large appeal to be a light bulb. This held like a lightbulb with the most blinding of luminous light.It sat with it's rays completely spreading across the field but lent itself to the man with the huge eye it was.

He held his hand out and slowly let the door open with a large sort of thunk-like noise that breached the ears of his. he felt himself was wet by the smashed beer on his pants but he did not give the least bit of thought to it for he was completely and utterly mesmerized by the light. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.

He picked himself from the grasses and vegetation and dirt. He started walking about to the light. He walked foot by foot with slow and macabre stature that reflected the most utter mesmerization to his bones. he felt a wet spot by his stomach but didn't care for his interest was tooo much. he kept going every step until he met it hovering about 2 meters off the ground. with his gaze his eyes started to blind themselves with awareness of the light. then he felt a tug at his brain and then came a large burst of light that lept out across the ground and gave a shake larger than earth. He saw himself in the eye of this thing suddenly he felt his presence almost run to him.

The BrightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora