Chapter 5

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 He held his gaze about the hill as the leader of the things started to chant  with fury in an almost blank voice. The others joined along as one man stepped out of the crowd and started to walk upon the ground. The visions of the man started again with large amount of luminous golden light. he saw a man dead with no face and a large body. Blood started to seep out the veins of the man and the skin started wrinkle itself and cause a movement of a twitch. Then it was gone and there sat a puddle of red blood. 

He rose again going back awake and saw a large light come about  the sky. it was the light , the glaring eye he saw so many times before. he turned his head from it  and gazed at the top of the mound. he saw three four -winged seven foot men come out the side of his vision. he gazed to see if the light was still there. he saw nothing but black sky . he moved his head back to see the three things come down and grab the man in the center. They grabbed with large black three clawed hands and released themselves into the clouds. No screams were heard and no sighs were heard , it was as if nothing was present. 

He held himself with a large gaze at nothing. He did not know what was happening and kept trying to comprehend it but could never get it stapled in his head. He Fell down off his sitting position. He got back up and brushed the dirt off his chest and legs. He gave the mound a gaze but then stared behind him to see that light in the sky with it's blazing carcass. The eye looked upon him. He looked at it and yelled"What the hell are you!" He suddenly felt a losslessness in his body and began to collapse under the weight of himself. he fell to the ground and gazed up to see the light hovering not three feet above his body. he tried to shield his face from the painful light. it held above for a second as he struggled about shielding his eyes from it.he suddenly lost control of his limbs and they were thrown to the ground.

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