Chapter 2

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He could suddenly feel each breadths of his go into the air as he woke up in a complete and utterly filled field of grain. He felt a large amount of pain almost everywhere. He layed like the helpless children we are in the universe. He kept staring around at himself with each movement bringing a somewhat amount of pain. Dubious but thin it was when it spread across his skin and bones and let a certain stinging almost luminous from the other pains. he moved his arm out from under an amount of grain stalks and reached for his neck. His neck held a macabre looking cube of metal that had a sort of spiky structure that rivaled that of a thousand knives.

He felt with preciseness about his neck and felt that the longer and harder he pulled the tighter it seeped it's large sharp metal fangs into the skin. He kept pulling at it with hate and not realizing or thinking the pain it was inflicting on his skin with large amounts of blood. he thrust his hand to his side and laid down finally at last realizing the pain going through his bones. He thought to himself"What the hell is that cursed thing" He laid there with his neck to the side and an expression of light relief but still an amount of pain like a beetle biting in to his skin and sucking the blood out his veins with determined force of old. Suddenly he felt a rush in his mind and he fell into a coma-like sleep and almost had the feeling like death that seeped through the utter cracks of his skin.

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