Chapter 1

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Blue eyes were all she could see.

Blue eyes as bright as the sky, and as deep as the ocean; so deep she could've drowned in them.

Blue eyes that turned lighter near the pupil with tiny flecks of yellow.

Gorgeous blue eyes.

That were looking right at her. Why were they looking at her?

She peeled her eyes away from the intense gaze to glance around. There was no one behind her; he was
definitely looking at her.

But again one question bounced around in her mind: "Why me? Why would he be looking at me?"

She apprehensively looked back at him. And again found his blue eyes looking at her. Did she have something in her teeth? Why was he staring at her?

There was nothing extraordinary about her appearance; in fact, her looks were quite average. What with her long dark hair, hazel eyes, and dark, high arching eyebrows. She looked down at what she was wearing: her favorite pair of jeans covered in doodles and a red t-shirt bearing her high school's insignia- nothing special. She wore no make up and her hair was up in a sloppy ponytail.

And yet he was staring at her as if her eyes were the only ones he desired to see.

She pondered at the thought of getting up and saying something to him.

But what would she, Skye Adams, possibly have to say to the all-powerful Noah Carson? They lived in two different worlds; Skye with her two best friends, Audrey and Violet, never exactly fit in with the "it" crowd. Noah Carson was alpha male of the "it" crowd.

So again, why would he be staring at her?

Finally she decided to bite the bullet and got up to talk to him. But as soon as she stood up, the bell rang.
"Great," she thought, "maybe it'll all be over by tomorrow." She quickly grabbed her things and started doing a slow moving shuffle behind everyone else that was trying to get out. Somehow in the mess she ended up shuffling next to Noah. There was a bit of tension in the air as Skye reluctantly turned to look up into his face, expecting to see him staring at her once again. But instead, found his blue eyes fixated on the back of the guys head that was walking in front of him.

"Oh well," she thought, "maybe it was just a one time thing."

Maybe he was just day dreaming, after all that was very common in Mr. Jackson's history class. In fact, it was common in all of Skye's classes, except for her art and music classes.

As Skye dreamily looked forward to going to her favorite class after lunch, she heard someone next to her clear their throat. Startled out of her peaceful reverie, Skye turned her head, once again expecting to see Noah Carson's piercing blue eyes looking into her hazel ones, and once again feeling a mild disappointment when she discovered that it was not Noah's stark blue eyes, but Violet's pale blue eyes staring at her, a look of concern etched on her best friend's face.

"Earth to Skye," Violet said, waving a black nail polished hand in front of her friend's face. Violet is one fierce chick and an even fiercer friend. On Skye's first day at her new school a few months ago she had exactly zero friends, and the cheerleader who was supposed to be guiding her went off to make out with her boyfriend, leaving Skye to fend for herself. When this group of cliquey type girls approached Skye and started teasing her, Violet showed up as a sort of goth knight in shiny leather, and they've been best friends ever since.

"Hmm? What?" Skye asks shaking her head, bringing herself back into the present. "What'd I miss?"

Violet rolls her eyes, exasperated. "You haven't listened to a word I said, have you?" Again she rolls her eyes and shakes her head."Okay, which is it? Boy, music, or art? No," she gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, making a teepee for her face, "it's all three isn't it?"

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