Chapter 2- Drifting in The Sky

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Chase's Point of View

The sky was a cloudy grey that reflected in my eyes and the sun glasses I wore.
I went to my first class...
Math... kill me. As if I wasn't already having a rough morning, I had a class with the guy I decked over the weekend. I let out a breath of disappointment.

Man, today just isn't my day. I was looking out of the window while my teacher (Mr. Fucking Asshole) was doing some lesson I already probably understood.

I hoped the sky would clear by break, like the news said it would and I was counting that. I looked to my side and slightly behind me to see him.

Tyler Carter, the guy I had decked last weekend. He glared at me with his broken crinkled nose cover by a white band-aid. His face around his nose was red. I couldn't see the rest of his face, because apparently it was so cool to have a flat hat with brown greasy hair covering your face.
He took his thumb and slid it across his throat gesturing that I was dead meat. Me just being me thought otherwise and shot a cold glare at him.

"Chase Angel, do you have anything you would like to say to the class?" The teacher sneered as he said my first and last name.

Some people in my class laughed at my name but I was used to it.

"Yeah...that's my name, got a problem with it?" I usually said and held my head high. I still held my head high, but this time I bit my tongue. "Yes sir." I ended up gritting through my teeth

My two class went by faster than I thought. During that time before, I watched the clock to see when it ring.

Finally, I counted down in my head 3, 2, 1 aaaannnnnddd fuck yeah! It rang!

I bolted out of the classroom doors, down two halls and down three sets of stairs. As I went to the back of the school I walked out the doors and towards the field.

I walked passed different groups/clicks. You have your jocks, nerds, popular but smart, the pretty but dumb, your anime nerds and basically anything you can name, we got it.

I stayed clear of some jocks and popular kids, but they weren't all that bad. The nerds didn't talk to me much other than when I'm with Osta. The anime nerds are generally nice, but they always make a bunch of references or jokes I don't understand. I pasted by the 'emo' group which were usually a nice-to-all-kind of group with sometimes the the rare goth you see in school.

A girl named Lea was in that little 'emo' group and had just came up to me.

Smiling she said . "H-hi Chase."

She had a obvious crush on me that made her eyes light up when she saw me. I thought it made her cute, but she was looking at the wrong guy for her. She offered me some hairspray which was a key thing to keep your hair maintained, but it sucked getting it out of your hair after. I politely turned her down on the hairspray and nodded my head 'bye' before walking away.

I liked to see all the groups and what they all had was the same, but with twists.

People make fun of these so called 'emos' that cut themselves and listen to loud rock/screamo. To tell you the truth emo really just stands for emotional, emotional music etc. We could go on all day about what it is and what it isn't, but to be honest I don't really care. Some people like their hair longer in the front and like some emotional music and to me it doesn't define who they are as a person.

People make way to big a deal out these things. When a 'normal' girl that looks like every other cuts themselves apparently it's not 'emo', but when someone with longish black hair cuts themselves it's 'emo'.

It's not really a hair style and nothing to do with cutting at all. It's just music and being a more emotional person. Girls/Guys that cut are not emo. Those people are too dumb to see that self harm does not help and they are people that need help.

Just be you and like what you like because we are all human anyway, so who cares?

I walked more along the side walk and saw a boy waving at the cat walk near the end. He was waving at me. I didn't need to squint to know that, that cutie was Osta.

I waved back to him and walked up. He was wearing my old black shorts from grade eight (which was still big on him by the way) and a purple T-shirt also from my grade eight collection. The shoulder on the shirt hung off his left shoulder because of how large it was.

I chuckled. "Sup, sexy?" I raised my brows

"Chase, don't say things like that when we are in front of everyone." He frowned with a blush lightly painted across his cheek bones.

I just laughed at him in a cute way. "What are you laughing at?" He pouted

"Nice outfit." I said

"Oh hush." He stuck his tongue out

"You're so cute." I kissed him on the lips. It was more of a peck but I didn't like the word peck. What am I chicken or hen? I think not.

"Chase don't do that people are staring."

I laughed "Good. Let them. You're mine." I grinned, pulling him into another kiss then I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright, stop screwing around and let's go." Osta said breaking our kiss. I just frowned wanting to kiss him more.
"Wait." We said in unison
We both held our sandwiches "BLT." I said
"Ham." He said
"Switch." We said switching our sandwiches
"Race you!" He said and before I could get a breath in to reply he bolted up the hill.

I caught up to him shorty seeing as I had longer legs than him. "Nope." I said popping the 'p' in the middle of my word. I picked him up bridle style...oh yeah!

"Chase! Put me down!"


When we got up the hill I put him down carefully. "The grass is so fucking soft." I said as I flopped on the grass. Osta laid beside me and we faced each other. I got lost in his hazel brown eyes...


I heard a faint ring, but I was too lost to really mentally take notice.

"Chase? The bell rang. Should we go back to class?"

Ugh... I don't want to go to class. We literally just walked up here "Naw fuck it."


((There. I did it. 1122 word update. I am so tired and it's Uhh let's see here... 2:31 in the morning.

Any who please, please, please let me hear your thoughts on the book. ;)

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Always & forever yours- Vincent

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