Chapter 4- Where to Go?

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              Osta couldn't live with Chase and his mother, at least that's what he thought.  He figured he would just be a burden to them but the last thing he wanted was for his little brother to go and live in a foster home away from him.  He sat up in the bed he laid in looking over at his little brother sleeping, he would have slept with Chase but Lucca wanted to be close to Osta at night.  Osta couldn't blame him, he was just a little kid still most likely traumatized from his life at home. "I'm never going to leave you Lucca I'll always be here." He whispered softly moving his little brother's hair from his delicate forehead to see a black bruise  "I'm so sorry I left you."  He said with a small cry.  His brother just snored away quietly in response to what he said.   Osta shook with every tear he let go and every stroke he rubbed his brothers head in attempt to keep him sleeping peacefully.  His hand stood still and removed itself from his head, Osta got up out of bed to head to the washroom.  As he walked through the short hallway he felt eyes on him.  When he turned his head to look surely enough there was Chase staring at Osta in the darkness from his room.  Osta gasped "Don't scare me like that!"

"Having trouble sleeping?" Chase said rubbing the sleep from his tired eyes

"Yeah..." Osta sighed continuing on to go to the washroom across of Chase's room, his eyes squeezed tight at the sudden light that welcomed him. "What about you, can you sleep?"

          "I was sleeping until your crying woke me up." He said "Are you okay? I know we have had a pretty rough few days." Chase knew he was asking the obvious but he was compelled to ask even so. Osta shook his head and put a small bag out on the ledge of the sink. He started to apply makeup onto his face "What are you doing?" Chase questioned 'Since when does he wear makeup and why is he putting it on this late at night? It's like 11:46pm.' Chase thought to himself

"What does it look like?" Osta said failing in attempt to raise a brow at him.

"Yeah I know that, but what for this late at night and since when do you wear makeup?"

"I feel like shit so this will make me feel better and since now, god mind your own business!" Osta snapped defensively.

         Chase put his hands in the air surrendering "Okay, okay! Jeez I was just asking, excuse me princess." Chase flopped back on his back both sideways and backwards on his bed.  He pretended to sleep until he saw Osta leave the house with his purse 'Okay I'm used to the purse but not makeup... Yup I turned him gayer than he already was but where the heck is he going? I feel like a protective mother but it's not safe for him out there and what if he gets hurt by someone? Osta isn't very strong.'

             Osta started to walk along the dim lit streets thinking he was alone but little did he know Chase was slowly walking behind him. Osta didn't want him to know where he was going; he was afraid or rather... ashamed.  

   If Osta wanted to get money to find a way to earn staying at Chase's or get a place of his own he would have to get a job that paid well and fast.  Meanwhile, Chase managed to keep a safe distance back from away from him. The night was cool, though the breeze was freezing and made their skin cold due to the thin clothing they were both wearing.  Their breaths were slightly visible like clouds in the starless sky floating among the wind.

             After they walked for so long Chase started to wonder if Osta was even going somewhere at all or if he was just aimlessly walking.  

   Soon enough, not much later from his thoughts Osta began to walk towards a building, he looked at the sign to make sure he had the right place and went up the few steps leading into the building.   He entered leaving Chase not know what to do in the situation he was in "Why is Osta going into a stripper bar? I'm not even old enough to get in there... wait if I can't get there then how did he even get in right through the front doors? What the heck is he doing!?" Chase's feet stopped when he felt a beady man's eyes on him and he wonder what was so 'great' about him that the man felt the need to stare at him.   Chase realized that (much like Osta beforehand) he was also talking to himself out loud but also pacing back and forth.

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