Chapter Five - A Place To Stay

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  The people of Chase's household were up to their necks in stress.  After a while of attempting to keep things normal, the custody war for Lucca to stay in their hands pushed them to the limits.  Where would he go? What would happen to Osta's breakable mind if he was separated from his little brother?

   These questions haunted their minds.  One thing was for sure; Lucca would run into the arms of Lilith in heartbeat before even thinking of living with a stranger.  Sadly, this little boy did not have a say in the matter and whatever happened he'd have to accept.

     This world is a dark and cruel place filled with fake glorified beauty within the sugar coated media.  That's not to say that people can't find happiness, though some start further in an epitome of rock bottom than others.  Chase and Osta had found a small tunnel of light when they had first started dating.  Now they needed to dig another tunnel to find another light in the darkness.

     The two  of them weren't always close, though.  There was a time when Osta was less than kind to Chase. In fact, Osta used to bully Chase when they were at a very young age.  Opposite from who they were, Osta was constantly cold hearted and never seemed to have a weak spot.  Where as Chase was always a weak crybaby who never stood up for himself.  It got on Osta's nerves and for that; Chase paid the price of hearing his harsh words every day.


"Why are you such a crybaby!? You don't even know what I go through! Go away you're so annoying!"  All Chase wanted to do was become friends with his crush.  Osta being his crush, had the tendency to crush Chase's heart using harsh words.   Rather than telling Osta his feelings, he would instead follow him around.  "What's your problem!? Quit following me around you creep!"  The only thing yelling ever managed to do was make Chase cry loudly.  "Hey, stop crying you're going to get me in trouble!"  They were in the schoolyard at the time of Osta's freak out.  Chase sat on the grey gravel near the metal  faded brown doors they used as an entrance.  Teachers walked by on their supervision shift, Osta was a bully but he didn't want to get caught.  So he grabbed Chase's hand and pulled him to his feet, pulling him behind some portable classrooms.  "Fine! You can hang out with me but talk to me.  It's creepy when you don't." He pouted,  Chase's eyes lit up and he then latched himself onto Osta.  "Hey let go of me! I don't like being hugged by you!" 

But from that day on the two of them would hang out day in, day out.  Osta stood up for Chase until he could learn to do it himself. 

  Until one day Osta had to pick up the pieces of Chase's heart and piece them back together.  That day was the death of Chase's father. He would have gone back to not speaking for the rest of his life if he didn't have Osta there to support him.
That was when Osta began to show more and more of his soft spot for Chase. 

  Osta stepped into Chase's room a few hours after his dad's death.  Osta found him in his room hiding behind a side his bed laying down on the floor. "Hey." He said softly.  Chase turned away from Osta.  "I'm sorry about your dad.  You don't have to talk if you don't want to." He got no response from Chase, so he stood for a few minutes looking down at his best friend curled up on the floor.  Osta had decided to lay down on the floor with his friend.  The warmth of Osta's hands around him suddenly had made him gasp.  After a few moments, he began to cry and Osta held him as tight as he could until Chase cried himself to sleep.  The next morning Lilith had found the two of them and that's when she knew that her kid's friendship would last a long time.

The two of them had never asked one another out.  It had started as an unspoken relationship that was said with a kiss in the eighth grade after their graduation ceremony.  The days of an awkward friendship had finally added up to an unlikely relationship.

-Flashback Ended-

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