Chapter 6 - Tried and Tested

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"No one said there would be a fitness test on the first day!" Mineta whined.

"It's basic hero training, and heroes are expected to maintain their physical health.  It makes sense that our abilities are being tested." Said Tsu.

"But!" Mineta's head was in his hands.  "Do you really think they're going to expel students based on the results of these tests?!  They can't do that can they?"

Iida stood a few feet away, stretching.  "I'm certain the UA professors reserve the right to remove any students they deem unfit for the hero course."

Midoriya was pacing as his thoughts spun out of control.

I didn't endure everything just to be expelled on the first day!  But can I really use One for All  I still can't control it!  I can't afford to break my arm again!

He jumped when he felt someone tap his shoulder.

"I'm sorry!" Said Ochaco, a blush coming to her cheeks.  "I didn't mean to startle you!"

Izuku's brows knit together as he tried to place the girl's face.  "Oh!" he exclaimed, a smile coming to his lips.  "It's you!  I'm so glad you're ok!"

The beta tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.  "Yes!" she laughed lightly.  "I'm the one you saved during the exam.  My name is Ochaco Uraraka.  I realized I never got to say thank you so...figured this was as good a time as any." 

"I'm Midoriya Izuku and it's fine – no need to thank me!" he insisted.

"No really – thank you so much for what you did.  I heard that you had a serious injury."  Her eyes drifted to the scars on his right arm.

Midoriya blushed.  The scars made him insecure.

"Does it hurt?" Ochaco asked.  She reached for Izuku's arm without thinking, her fingertips brushing one of the marks near his wrist.

The green-haired boy flinched slightly at the unexpected contact.  "Uhm – no." He let out a nervous chuckle.  "Recovery Girl helped me a lot."

The beta girl realized that she'd probably made him uncomfortable and quickly withdrew her hand.  An awkward silence filled up the space between them and neither seemed to know what to say next.  Ochaco gnawed her bottom lip while Midoriya hugged himself.

"Well..." she forced herself to speak.  "I hope you do well today!  I'm wishing you luck!" She smiled up at the green-haired boy.

Before Izuku could respond, something collided with his right shoulder, making him wince. 

"Watch yourself nerd!"  Bakugo growled as he stormed past them.

"K-Kacchan!" Midoriya called out to the blond alpha.  "You ran into me!"

Katsuki shrugged and kept moving.  "You were in the way.  As usual."  The alpha sneered. "And luck isn't gonna help you today."

"What's his problem?"  Uraraka asked, her arms folding across her chest.

Midoriya ran a hand through his green locks in exasperation.  "That's just how he is."

"Well I hope you do better than him!" She huffed.

Izuku couldn't help but laugh.  It was amusing to see the way strangers reacted to Katsuki's attitude.  "I'll do my best!" said the aspiring hero.  The two classmates nodded to one another and waited for further instruction from Aizawa.


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